First child Upstead

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I got a request for Hailey to give birth to their first kid.

Hailey's due date was in 3 weeks and she was on maternity leave. She was waiting for Jay to get home when she started cramping. She thought nothing of it. Jay got home and her cramps got worse.

"Hey babe are you ok?," Jay asked

"Yeah just Braxton hicks" Hailey replied.

They sat on the couch for an hour watching tv. Jay knew Hailey was in pain so we were alternating between foot and back massages trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. Hailey stood up to go to the bathroom and her water broke.

"Oh my god jay my water just broke," Hailey said shocked.

"Ok let's get to med I'll grab the bag." Jay replied shocked as well.

"It's too ea-ear-early I'm not du-due fo-for-another 3 we-weeks."  Hailey replied starting to cry.

"Ssh babe you're going to be ok you're going to be ok you're going to be in good hands at med" Jay soothed

They got in the car and Jay immediately called Will.

J Hey we're on our way now Hailey's water broke. She's freaking out because its 3 weeks before her due date.

W Hey Hailey don't freak out you are considered full term even if it is 3 weeks early everything is ok.

They got to med and Will and Natalie met them.

They got Hailey in a room and Maggie came in and started an IV.

"Ok sweetie I'm going to push some morphine. Do you need anything?" Maggie asked.

"No thank you though" Hailey replied.

Maggie pushed the morphine left. Natalie, Will, Jay, and Hailey talked for a bit until Hailey's contractions started.

"Owww" Hailey cried out.

"Ssh just squeeze my hand as hard as you need to." Jay soothed.

Hailey had a death grip on his hand. 30 minutes later another contraction hit.

"Oww" Hailey cried out.

"Ssh just squeeze my hand I've got you." Jay soothed.

They repeated this process for 2 more hours until her pain got worse.

"It really hurts" Hailey  cried out.

"I know I'm sorry," Jay told her.

"Do you want to do an epidural?" Natalie asked.

"No not yet" Hailey replied.

6 hours later the pain got to be too much and she screamed in pain.

"Ssh ssh just squeeze my hands as hard as you need to" Jay soothed.

"Ok I'm going to check you," Natalie told her.

"Your 3.5 centimeters dilated," Natalie told her.

"Uggh" Hailey replied.

They sat there for 10 minutes until another contraction hit. Hailey screamed in pain. Natalie got behind her and started rubbing her back.

"Ssh ssh squeeze my hands as hard as you need to I'm here" Jay soothed.

"I want the epidural" Hailey choked out.

"Ok I'm going to page the anesthesiologist," Natalie told her.

The anesthesiologist came in 10 minutes later

"Hi Hailey I'm Doctor Jones I'll be doing your epidural," Dr.Jones told her.

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