Mourning Stellaride

446 6 2

TW for parent loss

Stella and Kelly are married in this story.

Kelly had been trying to work on his relationship with his dad. He had just gotten married and knew he eventually wanted kids so he wanted his father to be in his life again.

One morning he woke up with a bad feeling in his stomach but just chalked it up to anxiety since rekindling the relationship with his dad had been quite stressful especially since there had been a few arguments. . Stella and Kelly both got ready for work and went in. kelly still couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong even though everything was going normal so far and it was a quiet day so far. Kelly was in his office with Stella when he got a phone call. The phone call was about his father. He was in the hospital.

"I'll be right there," Kelly said as he ran out of the office, Stella close behind him.

"What's up," Matt asked as he stepped out of his office.

"Im going with" Stella added.

"What is it?" Matt asked, concerned

"Benny had a stroke" Kelly answered frantically.

They both got in the car and Kally started speeding toward med. Stella put her hand on his leg to try to comfort him.

"It's going to be ok I'm here for all of it you are not alone whatever happens I'm here for it" Stella reassured him.

They got to med and ran in.

"Excuse me do you have any information on Benny Severide? He's in for a stroke." Kelly asked the nurse who was at the desk.

"Um let me check" The nurse replied.

"Lieutenant Severide?" Dr.Bekker called.

"Yeah" Kelly replied as he walked up to him.

Stella stayed back to give Kelly some privacy since she didn't really know Benny too well.
"I'm sorry we did everything we could your father passed away 10 minutes ago," Dr.Bekker told him.

"What?" He asked shocked.

"I'm so sorry," Dr.Bekker told him.

As soon as Ava walked away Stella who had overheard the conversation walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Kelly" Stella said while pulling him into a hug.

As soon as she did so Kelly began to cry and hyperventilate.

"Ssh just breathe" Stella soothed while hugging him tight and rubbing his back.

Maggie had noticed this and walked up to them putting a hand on Kelly's shoulder.

"Hey, I heard what happened I'm so sorry. Let's go into a private room" Maggie told them.

They went into a private room and Maggie got some water and set it on the table before walking out to give them privacy. Stella sat down next to Kelly and grabbed his hand while rubbing his back and whispering words of comfort

They sat in there for 10 minutes and then went into the waiting room. A minute later everyone from 51 came running in. kelly and Stella were sitting next to each other in the waiting room and Kelly was silently crying while Stella scratched the back of his head and neck with her free arm around him.

"What happened?" Matt asked.

"The cleaning lady at his place came in he'd been alone for" Kelly trailed off.

Maggie walked in a second later.

"Kelly, can you come with me please?" Maggie asked

Kelly went with her and Stella stayed in the waiting room with everyone else. Kelly had gone to collect Benny's belongings and remains. then went back into the waiting room and sat back down next to Stela. Kelly went to use the bathroom a few minutes later and passed by the hospital chapel. He went into the bathroom and splashed way on his face then went into the chapel where Boden found him a couple of minutes later when he hadn't come back from the bathroom. They sat there in silence before Kelly said something

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