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TW for mentions of torture kidnapping, sexual assault,  and violence

This is based on 9x03 in this they are already married

Hailey had noticed Jay had been acting weird since she called him Ricky.

"Hey, are you ok?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah fine" Jay replied.

"You've been acting weird since the whole Ricky thing you can tell me if your not ok I'm here for it all," Hailey told him.

"Thank you but I'm okay just tired and I have a headache," Jay replied.

"Ok take some Advil," Hailey told him.

Hailey handed him some Advil and they went back to their paperwork. Kevin accidentally dropped something and it made a loud sound which caused Jay to jump. Everyone noticed he was on edge the rest of the day. Jay was in the bathroom when Voight sent everyone home.

"Good work everyone I'll see you on Monday. Hailey come here real quick" Voight said.

Everyone stood up and left and Hailey went up to Voight.

"Keep an eye on Jay tonight we can all tell he is not okay. Call me if you need anything" Voight told her.

"Will do" Hailey responded.

Hailey grabbed their things and met Jay in the locker room.

"Common let's go home and relax I can tell you're not ok," Hailey said.

"Hailey I'm fine really" Jay replied.

"No you're not it's okay not to be ok," Hailey told him as she pulled him into a hug.

They went home and immediately got into comfy clothes.

"Go lay down I'll be in in a minute I'm gonna throw a frozen pizza in the oven," Hailey told him.

Hailey put the pizza in the oven and they watched TV until it was ready. Jay only ate half of a slice and was shaky.

"Jay you can talk to me. I can tell somethings bothering you. I want to help you carry whatever it is, you are not alone" Hailey told him.

"I've never told anyone this not even Will and I dont think you will look at me the same after I tell you this," Jay told her.

"Jay that will never happen. I love you so much you are such a good person Nothing you tell me will change how I feel about you" Hailey replied.

"Ok, but you can't tell anyone you're the only person I've told," Jay said nervously.

"I promise I won't tell anyone. Let's go in our room so we'll be more comfortable and then we can talk. I promise you whatever it is we are going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok." Hailey told him.

They went into their room and sat on the bed. Hailey grabbed Jay's hand and Jay rested his head on her shoulder. She wrapped his arm around him so she could hold him.

"Start whenever your ready babe," Hailey told him.

"Ok umm, I met Knox on my last tour. As soon as we met we clicked and became best friends. What I didn't know was he was a mole working for the other side and I was their main target. We shared a bunk together. One night when I was sleeping, Knox and his guys drugged me and took me. They took me back to their base and tortured me. I was a prisoner of war. It took 3 months to find me. In those 3 months, I was tortured nonstop. I was beaten up water boarded sexually assaulted burned starved, forced to eat things like dirt and plants, and they stuck hot needles all over my body. I was clinging to life when my team found me. I was septic and they didn't think I was going to make it. I had multiple broken bones, cuts, and puncture wounds most of which were infected since they put dirt and other debris in them, a severe concussion, and bruises all over my body. I had to get over 200 stitches and had multiple surgeries. It was excruciating. I spent 8 weeks at the hospital before I was medically discharged and sent home. After 8 more months of healing, I had to do almost a year of physical therapy. Knox got dishonorably discharged but other than that just got a slap on the wrist Meanwhile I was in excruciating pain for the better part of two years, developed PTSD and have lifelong trauma. When he came in today it felt like I was back on that base where I was tortured." Jay told Hailey while squeezing her hand and trying not to cry.

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