Painful period Brettonio

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Sylvie started her period halfway through her shift. Her cramps started an hour later. She went to her locker and grabbed her heating pad and Advil. She took the Advil and laid down with the heating pad until they got a call. When they got back she went and laid down with the heating pad. Gabby walked by and saw her curled up in bed.

"Hey, Sylvie, are you ok?" Gabby asked

"Yeah I just have cramps"  Sylvie replied

"Oh I'm sorry, have you taken anything?" Gabby asked

"Advil like an hour ago" Sylvie replied

Sylvie laid there till the bells went off. When she got back she went back to bed. She repeated this process until their shift was over. When she got home her cramps started to get worse. She was laying on the bed in a fetal position when Antonio walked in.

"Hey, babe what's wrong?" Antonio asked concerned

"Cramps" Sylvie replied

"Oh, I'm sorry babe," Antonio told her while rubbing her back. 

He laid there and rubbed her  back for an hour before she groaned in pain

"Ssh I know it hurts I know I'm so sorry" Antonio soothed rubbing her back

They laid there for 30 minutes before Sylvie started to cry from the pain again.

"Ssh your ok just squeeze my hand I've got you" Antonio soothed.

Sylvie held his hand tight for 30 minutes before releasing her grip a little.

"When was the last time you took any meds?" Antonio asked

"4 hours ago" Sylvie replied

"Ok babe you can have more meds now i'll be right back," Antonio told her.

He went and grabbed Advil and filled up a water bottle with hot water.

"Here babe take some Advil" Antonio told her.
She took the Advil and laid back down. Antonio slipped the hot water bottle under her shirt and rolled it up and down her stomach. She fell asleep 20 minutes later. She woke up 40 minutes later because of how bad her cramps were. She whimpered at the pain and grabbed Antonio's hand, squeezing it hard.

"Ssh just squeeze my hand as hard as you need to" Antonio soothed

"It hurts" Sylvie cried out

"I know babe I know I'm sorry just keep squeezing my hand I've got you" Anotonio soothed

Sylvie fell asleep for an hour and then woke up an hour later hungry for dinner.

"I'm going to order chickfila for dinner do you want anything," Sylvie asked

"Yeah, can you get me a spicy chicken sandwich?" Antonio asked

"Yeah" Sylvie replied

Sylvie ordered spicy chicken nuggets and fries with extra salt for herself. The food got there 30 minutes later and they ate. Sylvie's cramps returned but they were worse than before. It felt like she was getting stabbed with a bunch of hot knives. She got nauseous from the pain and tried to take deep breaths. Antonio felt her start to breathe heavily and got concerned

"Hey abe are you ok what's wrong," Antonio asked

"No my cramps are really bad I feel like I'm gonna throw up" Sylvie replied shakily

"I'm sorry babe squeeze my hand I've got you" Antonio soothed rubbing her back

Sylvie had a death grip on his hand for 10 minutes. 10 minutes later the pain got worse out of nowhere. She flinched in pain and squeezed Antonio's hand even harder. Antonio felt her start to cry.

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