Time of the month Rhekker

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I got a request for Connor taking care of Ava on her period

As soon as Ava woke up for work she realized she started her period. Her cramps started as she was getting ready for work. Connor could tell something was off with Ava.

"Hey Avey are you ok," He asked

"Yeah I started my period this morning and I have cramps. She replied

"I'm sorry babe i'll be right back," He said walking out of the room.

He went into the kitchen and got Advil and made her some green tea.

"Here take this" Connor said handing her the tea and Advil

"Thanks, babe," Ava said

She took the Advil and drank the tea and finished getting ready. Connor and Ava were with a patient when her cramps started up again. Ava tried to act like everything was ok, but Connor could tell something was wrong. They finished up with their patient and went into the hall where Ava grabbed the handrail on the wall and slowly slid down.

"You ok?" Connor asked

"No my cramps are horrible right now" Ava replied shakily

"I'm sorry babe let's go to a room and lay down for a bit" Connor said helping her up.

They got in the on-call room and laid down. Ava laid in a fetal position and Conner began to massage her stomach. They laid there for 45 minutes before their pagers went off.  They went and treated their patient and came back to the room.

"You can have more meds now Avey," Connor said as he handed her some Tylenol

"Thanks" Ava replied

She took the Advil and Conner started to massage her stomach again. Her cramps were getting worse and she was in a ton of pain.

"Are you going to be ok alone in here for a couple I want to go get something for you" Connor asked

'Yeah" Ava replied

Ok ill be right back" Connor said rolling out of bed.

He quickly went to his locker and got an empty plastic water bottle. He went over to the sinks and waited for the water to get hot. Once the water got hot enough he filled up the water bottle and went back to Ava.

"Hey babe I got a hot water bottle hopefully it'll help," Connor told her

"Thanks" Ava replied

Conner put the water bottle under her shirt and gently rolled the water bottle up and down her stomach. He felt Ava relax a little. They stayed like this before Ava's stomach started to growl.

"What do you want for lunch babe" Connor asked

"I'm craving spicy food I'm going to get some hot wings from the cafeteria" Ava replied

"Ok babe lets go get some lunch," Connor told her

Once they got to the cafeteria Ava got hot wings and Connor got a hamburger. After lunch, they did afternoon rounds on the cardiac ICU floor. Ava took more Advil when she could. Their shift finally ended and Ava was ready to go home. Her cramps were bad. All she wanted to do was lay in bed with Connor and a heating pad.

"What do you want to do for dinner," Connor asked

"Chipotle sounds really good right now" Ava replied

"That does sound good a burrito bowl sounds really good right now," Conner said

They both got burrito bowls and went home. When they got home Conner put the corn pack in the microwave for Ava. Once it was done he brought it to her. She put the heating pad on her stomach and they both ate their dinner and watched tv. Ava's cramps got bad again halfway through their show and she groaned in pain.

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