Greif Manstead

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Will was on his break when Natalie ran up to him.

"Hey, Will you need to come with me? There was an apartment fire at your dad's apartment. Jays in the ambo with him now" Natalie told him

"Oh my god" WIll replied

He ran to the doors just as Jay and his dad got there.

"Jay, are you ok? Are you hurt by what happened?" Will asked

"I'm ok dad has smoke inhalation," Jay told him

"Ok somebody page Connor" Will said

"On it" Maggie replied

Will got his dad into a room and checked him over. He listened to his lungs and heart before Dr.Rhodes came down and checked him over. About 20 minutes after Connor left his dad coded. Will was working on charts when he heard his father's monitors going off.

"No pulse he's coding," Will said

Jay ran in as well and Will was doing CPR on their dad. They were able to get him back a few minutes later but he had to be put on a vent.

2 hours later Dr.Abrams came down.

"I'm sorry but your father is showing no brain activity," Dr.Abrams told them

"What does that mean?" Jay asked

"It means he's brain dead. He's not going to wake up." Will told him

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Jay asked

"No I'm sorry" Dr.Abrams replied

"We don't have enough vents this one could be put to better use," Dr.Abrams told them

"What does that mean what are you saying," Jay asked

"It means we need to pull the plug, we need to let him go. Dad wouldn't want to live like this" Will replied

"I-i need to go find Hailey," Jay told Will

Will went and found Natalie. Natalie could immediately tell something was wrong based on the look on his face.

"Hey babe are you ok what happened," Natalie asked concerned

"My dad coded and he's brain dead," Will said shakily

"Oh my god I am so sorry c'mere,' Natalie said, pulling him into a hug.

"We're going to pull the plug," Will said, starting to cry.

"Ssh ssh I'm so sorry" Natalie soothed

Will and Jay said goodbye to their dad. 6 hours later both of the brothers were ready to go home. Hailey walked out with Jay and Natalie and Will went and got their stuff.

As soon as they got in the car Will began to sob.

"Ssh ssh just breathe  breathe for me I'm here I've got you I'm so sorry" Natalie soothed

She rubbed his back until he calmed down and drove home holding his hand.

When they got back Will went straight to their bed and started to have a  panic attack.

Ssh ssh slow down focus on your breathing take deep breaths breathe with me in 1,2,3,4 out 1,2,3,4" Natalie repeatedly soothed until he calmed down.

Once he calmed down they both went to bed. The next morning Natalie had to go in because of all of the fire patients from the previous night. Will went with her even though he was off to talk to Doctor Charles. 2 hours into talking there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Dr.Charles said

"Hey I'm sorry to interrupt but Jays is on his way in. he got shot he has a graze wound and a through and through nothing serious he just needs stitches" Natalie informed Will

"Oh my god, what happened?" Will asked

The guy that was responsible for your dad's apartment fire shot him while Jay was chasing him" Natalie replied

Will and Dr.Charles ran out of the room and followed Natalie.

Will ran into Jay's room and Hailey was with him.

"What happened?" Will asked

"I got shot by the guy that caused the fire" Jay replied

"Jay you need to be more careful I can't lose you too" Will replied

"I know I'm sorry I just was so mad. I wanted dad to have justice" Jay replied

"I know me too but I can't have you getting yourself killed doing so," Will told him

"I know" Jay replied

Will stitched him up and told Jay they needed to go through their dad's stuff.

"I know it's a bad time but we need to go to dad's apartment and go through his stuff.

"Ok" Jay replied

They both went through their dad's stuff and then went home. Natalie could tell Will was upset.

"Hey, babe are you ok?" Natalie asked

"No, all these years I've yelled at Jay for not liking our dad and not trying to have a relationship with him. When we were going through his dresser Jay found pictures of him in the military, when he graduated from the police academy and when he got an award for saving a 3-year-old girl. Jay didn't want to have a relationship with him because he thought dad wasn't proud of him. He didn't tell me any of this because he didn't want to mess up my relationship with my dad. Instead of yelling at him, I should've been yelling at my dad." Will replied

"I'm so sorry babe," Natalie told him, pulling him into a hug.

"Jays something to be proud of I wish he would've shown it," Will said

"I know I'm sorry" Natalie replied

They ate dinner and watched movies until bed. The next day was their dad's funeral. Natalie sat with Will the whole time. At the end of the funeral when everyone was leaving Will pulled Jay aside.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for yelling at you for all these years. I knew dad didn't come to your graduation but I didn't know it was so bad. I wish I could've been there to set him straight and not make you feel like that." Will told him

"No, this is not your fault. You had mandatory testing for med school graduation when I graduated from the academy. I'm not mad at you for not coming. I know you would've if you could've. And everything that happened with dad is not your fault' Jay replied

They hugged each other and then went home. A couple of hours later Jay texted

J Hey man are you guys doing anything Hailey and I are heading to Mollys and we want some company

W No we're not we'll be there soon.

They all met up at Molly's an hour later. Natalie and Hailey talked and Jay and Will talked.

Jay and Will were able to get through the grieving process because of each other. Their dad's death brought them a lot closer together.

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