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Voight had managed to get the unit the day off on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Hailey and Jay planned to have a small party with Voight and Trudy. Kevin went out of town to visit his siblings and Kim and Adam had plans with Kim's family. Both Hailey and Jay were a little anxious about the night. They both didn't do well with loud noises so fireworks weren't their favorite thing. They spent the first half of the day cuddling and watching TV. They spent the second half of the day preparing for the party. They cooked and cleaned up the apartment. Voight and Trudy got there around 7. They played party games, ate, and talked until 10:00. There had been a few fireworks during this time which caused both Hailey and Jay to both jump. Voight and Trudy both noticed. After a couple of fireworks went off Haileu grabbed Jay's hand and they held hands under the table and it helped. Although holding hands with each other helped they were still extremely on edge and Voight and Trudy could both tell. After they were done playing games they decided to watch a movie. They decided to watch John Wick. Jay and Hailey sat close to each other on the couch. Voight sat next to Jay and Trudy sat next to Hailey. Halfway through the movie, there was a loud firework that shook the whole apartment. Jay and Hailey both jumped. Jay started to have a flashback. Hailey grabbed his hand and squeezed it and Voight put his hand on Jay's shoulder to help ground him.

"Ssh you safe you're in Chicago. Everything is ok" Hailey soothed. Jay snapped out of it a few minutes later.

He tightened the grip he had on her hand and they cuddled closer together. They didn't care they were doing this in front of their bosses.

"You ok kid?" Voight asked.

"Yeah sorry" Jay replied.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault you can't control it. We can tell that the both of you aren't ok and we are here for you" Voight told them.

They were glad they had Voight and Trudy to help them get through this. They both felt safer with someone else with them. It made them both feel less alone. They were able to finish the movie almost incident-free. The movie ended around 11.55. There had only been a couple of fireworks at that point. Most of them would start when the clock hit midnight. Hailey knew this so she turned on some music to hopefully help drown out some of the sounds. They sat nervously until the clock hit midnight. As soon as it happened, fireworks started going off all around their apartment. Their neighbors and people outside started cheering. They were both panicking. The fireworks reminded Jay of the gunshots and bombs going off when he was fighting overseas. For Hailey, the fireworks reminded her of when her dad would throw and slam things when he got mad. The cheering reminded her of when her dad would scream at her, her brothers, and her mom. They both clung to each other and were crying in each other's arms.

"Ssh you safe you're ok. Your here with me and Voight. Everything is ok" Trudy soothed. She wrapped her arm around them both. She went into mom mode and was trying her best to comfort them.

Voight didn't really know what to do. He wanted to help but he didn't want to scare them. Another loud firework went off which caused them both to jump. They tightened their grip on each other. Jay used his free hand and started scratching at his chest and neck. Voight slowly got in front of him and took his hand. Jay jumped at the contact.

"Your ok kid it's just me I'm not going to hurt you" Hank reassured him.

Jay looked up and saw Voight and calmed down a little. The fireworks went on for another hour before calming down. By the time they were over Jay and Hailey were both exhausted.

"You guys ok?" Voight asked, Jay and Hailey looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Can I give you guys a hug?" Voight asked, they nodded and Voight hugged them as well as Trudy.

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