Coming out Upstead daughter

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Jay and Hailey had noticed their daughter Ainslyn had been acting differently for the past 3 weeks. She had just started her sophomore year of high school so they thought it was just that. They decided to talk to her at dinner that night just to be sure.

"Hey sweetie are you ok you've been off lately," Hailey asked Ainslyn

"Yeah schools  just been stressful" Ainslyn replied

"I'm sorry sweetie just remember you can talk to us about everything nothing you can tell us will make us mad," Jay told Ainslyn

"Thanks, guys" Ainslyn replied

Ainslyn finished her dinner and went to her room. When she got into her room she grabbed her laptop and began to do some research. She had known that she was asexual for 2 months at this point. She felt like she was more than asexual so she began to do some research. Upon doing research she came to realize she was aromantic asexual. She wanted to tell someone but was scared to tell her parents so she texted her friend Brianna who was a lesbian.

A Hey I need to tell you something

B Ok what do you need to tell me

A I'm aromantic asexual meaning I feel 0 attraction to anyone regardless of gender.

B omg congratulations ilysm (as a friend of course)

A Thanks you too.

She researched how to come out to your parents. She also watched videos of people coming out to her parents. For the next 2 weeks, she planned how she was going to come out to her parents. Ainslyns anxiety got worse during this time and Jay and Hailey noticed.

Hailey walked into the kitchen and noticed Ainslyn sitting at the table bouncing her leg seemingly zoned out. Hailey put her hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Sorry sweetie are you ok I'm sorry I scared you," Hailey asked

"Yeah sorry just tired" Ainslyn replied

"Rember to take care o yourself, sweetie," Hailey told her

2 weeks later Ainslyn decided to come out to her parents. She texted Brianna and told her that she was coming out to her parents

A Hey I'm coming out to my parents today

B Congratulations do you want me to be there when you tell them?

A No thank you id rather have this conversation alone

B ok let me know if you change your mind

A Ok thank you

Ainslyns anxiety was through the roof all day. She was jumpy and Shaky and Jay and Hailey noticed

"Hey are you, ok sweetie," Jay asked

"Yeah just tired" Ainslyn replied

After dinner, she decided to tell her parents

"Can I talk to you guys about something?" Ainsyn asked them shakily

"Yeah sweetie is everything ok," Hailey asked

"Yeah it's nothing bad" Ainslyn replied shakily

"What going on sweetie," Jay asked

Right as Ainslyn was about to start talking she began to cry and hyperventilate

"Hey ssh just breathe ok you can tell us anything we promise we won't get mad at you," Hailey told her

"I-i do-don-don't kn-know-why -i -im s-so -sca-scar-scared to -te-tell you -gu-guys," Ainslyn said shakily

"It's ok you can tell us anything,"  Hailey told her

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