Trapped Burzek

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Kim was cleaning up the apartment and had grabbed some bowls when she heard a car backfire. She immediately started having flashbacks to when she was kidnapped and shot. She dropped the dishes and cut her hand in the process. Adam who was in the kitchen ran into the living room when he heard the glass shattering. Adam sent Makayla into the kitchen to get a glass of water and went up to Kim. He tried to call her name but she couldn't hear him at first. She was hyperventilating and her heart was pounding. Adam snapped her out of it a few seconds later.

"Look at me look at me look at me look at me whats going on? Talk to me" Adam was trying to figure out what had happened.

"There was a shot Adam I heard a shot" Kim replied still panicking

"That was a car backfiring. It was a car outside I heard the same thing" Adam told her. "Just take a breath You're okay. Can you breathe? Can you take a deep breath? Take a deep breath your here with me. It's ok" he soothed.

Makayla came in with a glass of water.

"Thanks, kiddo Everything ok moms just not feeling well. Why dont you go get ready for bed ill be up in a minute ok?" Adam told Makalya

"What's happening?" Kim asked shakily

"Kim just keep breathing now" Adam instructed her

She was able to calm down a few minutes later.

"Let me see your hand," Adam said.

Kim held out her hand and Adam gently took it. Her hand was still bleeding and covered in blood.

"Come on let's go get this taken care of," Adam said as he kissed her head and helped her up.

They got in the bathroom and Adam turned o the sink and rinsed her hand off. She hissed in pain and tried to pull away.

"I know I'm sorry" Adam soothed.

Her hand was still bleeding so he got a towel and pressed it to her hand. He sat her on the toilet and held pressure for 10 minutes until the bleeding had stopped. He grabbed the first aid kit and got out everything he needed to clean up her hand.

"This is gonna sting" Adam warned her as he grabbed the bottle of peroxide.

He sprayed it on her hand and she hissed in pain and squeezed her eyes shut.

"I know I'm sorry hard parts over" Adam soothed.

He put some Neosporin on it then bandaged it up and wrapped her hand.

"All done," he told her as he kissed her head and hugged her.

He got her up to her room and she changed then got in bed. Adam went and tucked Makalya in and reassured her that Kim was ok. He went back into their room and Kim was in bed staring at the wall.

"Hey, you ok?" Adam asked, Kim shook her head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

"I dont know what happened it felt so real," Kim replied.

"I know it did. You're safe now you're in our apartment. You're ok." Adam reassured her.

Kim had a nightmare a few hours later. Adam woke up to her crying in her sleep. He put his hand on her shoulder and she shot up and screamed.

"Ssh your ok its ok your safe. You're not there. Your in our apartment with me. No one is going to hurt you everything is ok" Adam soothed.

He held Kim until she calmed down and fell back asleep. She had a few more nightmares but Adam was there to help her. She woke up for work and was tired, but wanted to go in. She needed a distraction. They got ready for work and dropped Makalya off at school. Kim had a therapy appointment that morning so Adam went to the district alone. Adam was able to pick her up from her appointment to give her a ride to the district. As they were walking to Adam's car, they heard a gunshot. Thankfully they both had their badges. They went running towards the gunshots. They ran into the subway station where they had been directed by a woman running out. When they got up there they couldn't find any evidence of a shooting. They split up and were walking down the station. Kim spotted a male with a gunshot wound.

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