Visions of the present -32-

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"How much further Nya!?" Jay had to, of course, yell in your ear, spooking you out of your thoughts. 

She sighed, fiddling with levers, "The Bounty's going as fast as she can, but this ship needs some find tuning for sure. 

Glancing around, you realized Garmadon had scared Jay and now Jay of course, was complaining again. "Am I the only one freaking out about this?!" 

Kai shrugged, "Why freak out? Our deranged, psychotic arch-nemesis is now our house guest. So no reason to freak out at all Jay!" 

"I found the term 'freak out' inadequate and imprecise. I prefer to say I am 'deeply troubled.'" Zane said, making dramatic hand movements. You couldn't tell if he was trying to be sarcastic or not.

Nya turned back around, "Lloyd, are you sure he can be trusted?"

He scrunched his nose, "No? Of course not." 

Jay scoffed, "'Of course not'? That's not what you're supposed to say! You're supposed to say yes!"

"Isn't he literally the embodiment of chaos? Like- don't get me wrong, Garmadon was a great guy when he was good, but now- I don't think why you even think he should be trusted." You rolled your eyes, you just wanted a break. 

Lloyd sighed, "If Master Wu is right, and the Oni are attacking, my father is the only chance of us ever surviving. And anyways! He doesn't even have his powers back! What harm can he do?!" He started to stomp angrily away as the ship shook. 

You did feel bad, you had been basically calling his own dad the worst. 

"Did he just-" 

Then the ship started to fall. 

Everyone started panicking, as the ship started to dive face first down. "Zane, the ignition switch! Hit the ignition switch!!" Nya screamed, as everyone began loosing their grip. 

Jay started yelling about the ground or something as you climbed over to the button, using your power to temporarily fix your gloves in the ground. 

Pulling yourself into the console, you glanced around before seeing the red button labeled 'ignition switch.' You slammed your fist into it, the ship immediately went upright once more, causing everyone to fall to the floor. 

"That button should be labeled." Garmadon murdered, heading down into the cabin. 

Nya grumbled, "It is labeled! It says: 'Ignition Switch!' it also says: 'DON'T PUSH WHILE IN MOTION.'"

Zane walked up to Lloyd, sighing, "Perhaps it would be wise to accompany your father, Lloyd. Too prevent further...mishaps."

He rolled his eyes, "Was going to anyways." He started down the steps, grumbling to himself, "I can't believe I have to babysit my own father."


You groaned, running down the steps, "I got it." 

A shout and glass shattering had been heard from downstairs merely seconds before you reached the door. 

"-Sentimentality is a weakness. If you wish to defeat the Oni, you would do well to banish such feelings."

You swung the door open to face an annoyed looking Garmadon. He stared at you, his face softening for a moment before pushing past you.

 Looking back through, Lloyd seemed to be having a conversation with himself. "Fine! I didn't even like that picture anyways!" He threw a picture frame in the garbage, before slouching down in the desk chair. 

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