It keeps slipping through your fingers -22-

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(Animation by Minnowminn on Tumblr)

After the long trek of following the tracks, along with some small guidance, you 3 had finally made it to the Dragon Hunter's camp.

Peering from over top of the wall, you were on lookout as Cole surveyed the area.

"They're heading towards that area. But I don't think they're going to see a show." Cole announced. He seemed really out in the open but no one seemed to notice him

Wu leaned over the rocks, he seemed really confident. "Then we have to go in there and break them out. They need us." He went to go jump down when you and Cole both grabbed him.

You groaned, your jaw clenched, "Are you stupid? This place is filled with Dragon Hunters, I don't need your death on my mind right now."

Cole nodded, "We're gonna have to wait it out."

Shoving Cole to the side, Wu grumbled, "Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today." 

You chuckled as Cole looked back, "Did you- did you just use my own words against me?"

"They were my words first. You just borrowed them." Wu said in a 'matter of fact' voice.

Cole went to go scout more ways to get in, "I'm not putting anything off. I'm trying to come up with a plan.qwhat do you expect me to do? Take them on all by myself."

You felt Wu pull on your belt but you assumed he just bumped it. Cole questioned something so you looked over and saw Wu holding your spyglass.

"I borrowed it from Y/n. Like how you borrowed my wisdom."

You grabbed it back from him, "that's not borrowing, that's stealing."

He sighed, "There's clothes down there. We can use that as disguises."

Cole seemed hesitant, "Ehh.. Disguises haven't worked out so well for me in the past." When had the Ninja needed disguises? You were going to have them tell you what had all happened when you got to Ninjago.

Looking over, Wu had already started running to the gate and you groaned, "I'm going to kill this kid I swear."

You and Cole both started running after him before he could get spotted.

Wu started to climb over the wall, guess you were doing disguises after all. You followed after him and made it to the clothesline where you started pulling the outfits off. 

Ducking into a corner just in case, you put the outfit overtop of your Gi and Cole came over with a chalky powder in his hands. Must've grinded a rock down to a power. You grabbed some and covered your face in it. It was messy but it was better than being killed.

You glanced over and saw Wu and Cole had also gotten ready. And Cole had now had a mustache.

"Dude where did you get a mustache?" You questioned, while holding your short hair up and covering your neck in the powder. 

He shrugged, "Keep mustaches in my pocket for this occasion." You thought it was better to just not question it. He also had green and a fake scar on his face. Only mildly concerning.

Wu tugged on your arm, "Let's get going to the arena. The Ninja need our help."

You looked to Cole and he nodded. Walking to the big arena, you stepped through a tunnel and down into the crowd everyone was standing and it seemed like a really uncomfortable view.

Walking ahead, Wu pointed out the 3 Ninja in the middle of a pit. 

Cole groaned, "But we're in the cheap seats. If we're going to help them, he need to get closer, come on." He turned and ran into a Dragon Hunter with long hair and a chain as a sash.

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