#1 -18-

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I'm not exactly sure if I should start this with a dear diary, or a whoever this concerns, but if you find this journal, I hope you're ok. My name is Y/n L/n, I am or was one of the Ninja who protected Ninjago. I grabbed this book off of a Dragon Hunter's bike after escaping their trap and decided it would be best to help anyone out, if anyone did end up getting stuck here like me. 

Now I may not be exactly sure how to get back to the realm of Ninjago, but I have some ideas. The other Ninja have told me about a time they once rode on the back of real dragons to get back from the Underworld, and that dragons can travel between realms. 

Though the dragons seem a b̶i̶t̶ ̶̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ lot more aggressive than they spoke of, I'm sure I could earn their trust overtime. I think I could use the time here to focus on my powers, Prophecy and Atomic. I'm not sure how they fit together or how I even have such different powers, but I guess I could've only asked my dad about that. Apparently my dad helped send the Anacondrai generals from the First Serpentine War to the Cursed Realm, but I'm not sure why I ended up here.

I'm not even sure if me and Lloyd/The Green Ninja were going out yet, I never got around to asking. Though I'd like to think we are, gives me motivation to make it back. 

The sun is really hot here, and the only way I've been able to drink is by bonding hydrogen and oxygen atoms together, but that takes almost all day for one sip. I think I'll figure out another way to get water, maybe one of those water purification thingies and use ocean water. After a whole day of literally making water, I almost have no energy and pass out at the nearest boulder, which allowed me to be out of sight.

I haven't dated leave the shoreline, I'm scared that if I walk to far inland, I'll loose track of where I am and get lost. I'd also like to stay near where I woke up, to see if anyone else ever comes by.

A disadvantage of not exploring though, is that I have no food. I don't want to kill any dragons and I've only seen lizard smaller than my middle finger, not enough nutrition to be worth the chase. 

Maybe I should start building a house with the driftwood that appears on the beach. I'd like a shelter from any weather that happens to affect my well-being. It gets very cold at night and I might be able to find enough molecules and atoms to make flint and start a fire. It would take so long though.

I think I'm going to cut my hair soon. It keeps getting filled with sand and its impossible to maintain at this point. My sword would work fine to chop it off, it is the sharpest blade in all of Ninjago, maybe the case is the same here. 

I've found a few plants with redish-brown pods on them, maybe they contain fruit, that could be useful.


•Try to get a dragon to take me home, if it doesn't work follow other steps

•water purification

•stable food source

•flint to make fire starter


I've made a checklist up above that I think could help you not die while your in this realm. I'll try to update as often as I can. Whoever you are or if anyone even reads this, Dragon Hunter who stumbled across this, of whoever, I hope your safe and ok.

-Y/n L/n the Ninja of Prophecies and Particles.


A/n: I have 2 more filler chapters after this just because I've been dealing with a lot, the last one is only about 100 words long so yeah not much but I hope you guys will enjoy hunted when I release it

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