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I didn’t want to see Kai, but we have to meet on Monday. After school, we all went to the auditorium to do what we had to do.

P'Cent was the first one to come to me and gave me a pat on the shoulder, then came P'An, probably both know what had happened last Friday night. Today the atmosphere in the rehearsal room is somewhat gloomy, especially in the sound department, which Kai now clearly keeps at a distance from the young girl named Chingching.

"Well? Have you reconciled?" was the classic opening phrase of the superior.

"There is nothing, everything is the same as before."
"Really? Don’t you feel sad when you say that?"

"Remember when we talked about your friends who wanted to love only one person? Now Kai is the person who can’t get over it".

"But I think he did. Didn’t you misunderstand that day?"

"If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I might have believed he hadn’t, but I didn’t." And the image kept coming back to me.

It’s lucky we haven’t started dating. If I love him more than I love him now, how many times will I be sad when I know the truth?

"You’re thinking too much, you want me to call Chingching and explain in person?"

"Oh, no."

"There are always some obstacles in the way of love."

"But if it’s that hard, it’s not an obstacle, he’s a bastard".

"Okay, I’m on your side anyway, so if there’s anything I can do for you, tell me. Or do you want An to avenge you?" The man whose name was called laughed wickedly, and clenched his knuckles.

Well, if P'An’s gonna handle this, I’m gonna have to pick up Kai’s body at the art department pond.

The superior walked away, and I was the only one on the stage, so I found a corner to sit and play with my phone, thinking for a moment that I could help my teammates with the boards of the scenes, but before I did, I have to deal with the Kai who walked all the way to me with a smile.

"Let’s sit together~~" Before he could talk, he sat next to me.

"You have nothing to do? I hear you’re recording tomorrow."

"It’s not like I’m the one filming. Are you hungry? I have some snacks."

"Did you apologize to Bone?" I quickly changed the subject.


"That’s good. I’m going to help the Art Department paint the boards. Do you want to.... come?" I hate the invitation I made. Kai seemed so happy and kept nodding.

We walked to the back of the art department building. A large group of people in the art department were busy making the background boards. Although the large backboard had been specially made, we had to do many things ourselves to save on our budget.

"Oh, Kai, Third, what brings you here?" The person in charge of the back board greeted us first.

"I thought I’d have some free time, so I came to give you a hand. Is there anything I can do?" I asked and this classmate happily pointed to a primary color board on the floor.
Oh, so you didn’t do anything?

"Help us apply the background color. The white paint is next to the column and the brush is also there. Thank you!" Then he went back to work. I looked at Kai, but he had already gone to the column and brought a large bucket of paint and brushes and put them by my side.

"What a small brush..." I said with dismay, God knows how long it will take to finish.

"I’ll help you later. I’ll do it quickly."

We sat on the boards and painted small pieces of color while Kai kept finding topics to talk to me about and ended up talking about the microfilm project we mentioned earlier.

"I think we should move on. I looked at the schedule. We have five days of vacation early next month, so we may have a busy schedule".
"Did you ask Bone and Too?"

"Not yet. You’re the first one I talk to. If you think it’s okay, we can go out and have fun together".

"Aren’t we going to work?"

"We have fun while we work".

"I can do it if everyone agrees."

"Yes!" We had talked about taking a train from Bangkok to Surat Thani during the holidays, and we could write a script along the way. Maybe we can come up with some good ideas.

If we go out to relax in the near future, maybe all
we can be in a better mood. Art department students are a little stressed these days. Although we have no exams, the deadline for the play is approaching. It would be good if we could finish the work of the play and go for a walk.

"Is anyone else going?" I asked Kai.

"No, just us."

"Let’s talk about this in the group, or when we see Bone and Too on the way."

"No problem, as long as you’re okay."



"Tell me..."

"You’re right. I only love myself." He kept painting with the brush without looking up, but I knew exactly what emotional state he was in.

"I love only myself, I am selfish, but because I am selfish I cannot let you go, when you are by my side. I am very happy. I cannot live without you."

"You’re not wrong to think that. But when one day you can sincerely wish for me to be happy instead of just thinking about yourself, then we’ll talk again. But for now, let’s just be friends". You don’t have to go any further. That’s enough.

"You’ll wait for me, won’t you?"

"I do not know."

"But I will wait for you."

"Don’t push me. If you ever meet someone better than me, leave. I don’t want to keep you". Maybe tomorrow or the day after, Kai will meet someone better than me, someone who can accept everything he has, and who loves him as he is.
Because since that night, my feelings for him have changed forever

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