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"Third, I beg you... don’t leave me..."

"Don’t leave me, please?" I kept asking myself. But you’ve made a decision, haven’t you? The painful result is now caused by both. Even our innocent friends are involved.

"We should just be friends, Kai." Although my tears continue to flow, I still have to accept this reality.

It wouldn’t be so bad to go back to the old days, when Kai was free to do what he wanted, no matter how I felt or whether I was satisfied. If a love is uncomfortable at first, it will end one day.

"No, I don’t want you to be my friend. I won’t let you go". His two hands were holding me tighter and I couldn’t even breathe. Maybe because I just cried too much, I feel very dizzy, so I had to be held by him without having any strength to defend myself.

"Kai, take Third home". I was about to turn to look at Bone, when the man in front of me put his hand on my shoulder, and then he said,

"Of course I’ll take him back. I’ll settle things with you later."

"Well, I’ll be waiting for you. Call anytime."

"You kissed my man!"

"Your man is my friend, motherfucker."

"Ow, what are you doing here?" I recognized Too’s voice, but Kai still didn’t give me a chance to look up. His arm was wrapped around me and his hand pressed against my head.

The man who had just arrived at the scene was silent for a moment, then asked in a low voice:

"Kai, what did you do to Third?"

"I’ll take care of it myself".

"I asked you what you did with Third!"

"None of your business."
"Let go of Third, I told you to let go!" Two men threw me violently, but in the end I could not escape this bastard
"I want to talk to Third. I want to clarify things with him."
"You made him cry."
"Damn it, Too! Let them handle this on their own. The priority now is to take me to the hospital. I’m gonna fucking die!" I heard my friend complain, but at the same time I was sobbing in the arms of the tall man, and I knew I was in a mood where I couldn’t say anything clearly
"I don’t want to talk to you. I want to go home." Finally, I said what I wanted, and it was good for everyone to get out of here as soon as possible.
"Then let’s go together." Kai grabbed me by the wrist and walked into the bar without giving me a chance to respond. The flashing lights made me feel dizzy. The closer I got to his table, the worse I felt. My face should be as red as my body. I stopped.
"I’m not going in." The woman was still there, and the images of her kisses kept coming back to me.
That’s enough. I’ve had enough pain.
"I’m just going to get my wallet and car keys. Can you wait here? Don’t go." I didn’t answer and I didn’t have the strength to walk away.
Seeing as he didn’t answer or refused, Kai went to his table. After taking his own things, he talked to people at the table, but my attention was not focused on him. I’ve been watching the young lady who just joined the sound team for a short time. I really hate myself. Although I told myself not to think too much at first, in the end I still have to worry about this matter.
Kai was racing away from the crowd, but finally had to stop because the woman grabbed him by the wrist.
My leg moved forward unconsciously, and several sentences went through my mind. Maybe you mean ... 'Never mind, you can stay here', 'I’ll go alone', 'I’ll see you tomorrow', or 'I’ll call Too to take me home...'. '.

I know I sound crazy, but I’m thinking about what I should say. I’ll be next to the tall man soon.
"P'Kai, what is it?" The woman’s question was full of doubts. I took a deep breath and wanted to speak with the most ordinary voice.

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