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Tok, tok, tok, tok...
After a while, someone with a smiling face opens the
Door. He jokingly asked:
"How are you, Mr. Screenwriter?"
"It was fine at first, but when I saw your face, I got sick again."
"If you want to adore my good looks, just say it..."
"Are you crazy? Or you took the wrong medicine, why are you in
This pair of pants?" It was a pair of sports pants,
But the elastic band was worn out,
They were falling near the rear slit.

"It suits me, doesn't it?"
"Er, yes, it is. It's a perfect match for your madness."
"What instructions do you have for me? Just say it ~"
"Get lost, will you let me in?"
"Please..." Another person in the room, who is playing the game,
It's too much. He looked at me and then quickly returned to his game. Bonn in setting  next to too, picked up the game board and continued with his
Killer escape. They left me alone.
"Where is... Kai?" I couldn't help but ask, bone looked at me and
Then he turned around to keep playing.

"He has a date." Although bone doesn't say it clearly, I can
Guess that kai must have dated his newfound
Woman. Although I saw many women riding his motorbike,
I feel the confusion in my heart.
Kai hasn't been with us much lately. The group of
Thugs is only Only three of us
Bone is like a glue lately, trying to
Fix our relationship. He always takes kai out to join
Us in team activities. However, our
Hearts are no longer as close as before, and bone's help's useless.
"I ask you, have you forgiven him now?" Bone asked me.
"Now I'm fine, only... I'm trying to make friends
Again, but the way it is right now..."
"I'm relieved to hear you say this, but kai is stubborn. If you don't tell him theReason why  you're angry, he'll find reasons to be
Angry at you." Now it makes sense. Enough suffering
For me to say something.

"Even if I say so, nothing will change."
"Understood ".
"You won't tell him, will you?" The other two looked at each other
In silence before too gave them an answer.
"This matter has nothing to do with us. We believe
It's better that the owner of this relationship says it himself."
"Thank you..."
"But there won't be that day, and we'll graduate in two years." the
Distance between us will grow and will grow
More difficult to find. And more importantly, each of
You will start having your own family over time. Kai, even

Like a casanova, it will eventually settle down with a good
At that moment, I just want to attend your wedding with my best outfit.
At that moment, I would be able to put a smile on my face
Effortless. Maybe I would be his best man at the wedding. There will be one day
Like that, in that my love for him will be for a friend and no more.
I still want to be his friend, and I also want to be part of his Life.
"Oh, even if we graduate, it's not the end of our Brotherhood. When I'm done with this game, I'll go look for
"As you wish..."
We sat down and drank the beer. Every time I dive
In deep sorrow, these two always support me and give me their

Tok, tok, tok, tok...
"Who's that?" The sound of blows interrupted our
Meeting. I looked at the clock on the wall and it's already ten.
"Please let someone open the door."
"I'm too lazy. Third, go!"
"Can anyone please care more about me? I have just
Let go of my love..." It's strange that I've lost love without
Fall in love.
"Go you. I can't go when my pants are like this. Are you not
Okay?" Only this mentally disabled person would think of using
His pants as an excuse. A sigh
And I went to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw the person outside was the
Same person I would never have wanted to see.
"Bone asked me to come. Are they drinking beer?" Bone,
You're a great stupid! Son of a bitch!
I was stunned at the door and looked at the big guy who entered
The room. It would be good if  his arm were not supported
By someone else.
"Go ahead, these are my friends."
"Hey, please come in, please come in." Too, a guy who should
Being stabbed a thousand times, he got up instantly and saluted the
Girl. She even pulled up the space on the sofa so that she could
Sit down. I had never seen him so polite.
"What brings you here today?"

"I just finished eating with my girl when bone called. So, I just came."
"Oh, hey girl, do you drink beer?" The girl shook her head.
Too rushed to get water for the girl. only
Bone noticed he was still at the door.
"Third, close the door and come back here!"
"Er... I'll come back..."
"Really? I think you should. You looked drunk." bone
See through my pain.
Kai intervened before I could leave the apartment.
"Come and join us even for a while..."

I pretended to be indifferent and sat down with my friends again.
Fortunately, I wasn't done with my beer yet. so
That, I could still use the beer to drown in the pain.
Although kai has asked me to stay,
He spoke to me all the time.
How uncomfortable.
"Kai, did you know that the play's project has already
Started? You have to choose a role for yourself." Bone and too changed the subject to animate the atmosphere. Sorry for
My two friends. It's very hard for them.
"Management assistant ".
"Hey, fourth-graders have taken that, don't be stupid..."
"I can control the lighting and sound effects."
"This can be done. I also want to do this kind of
Work. Third's work is more important than ours."

"Supervisa the script. You have to think about who to fall in love with".
"How do you know my script is about a love story?
It may have been before, but now I don't believe in love." I couldn't
Avoid getting frustrated and I yelled back.
"Do you believe in something?" Kai responded with the same harsh words.
"I am not like you who can love someone and have a new
Love every day."
"Third, damn you!"
"Calm down, friend, calm down." Too and bone rushed in to
Calm me down. I decided to keep drinking my beer in silence. no

I know if it was the effect of beer, everything I see and hear irritates me,
Especially the voice of the woman sitting next to kai.
"P 'kai, don't drink too much. I'll be worried about you."
"Not so much."
"You shouldn't smoke."
"You should have listened to me more often..."
"Do you think he only listens to you?" Everyone was surprised
When they heard me say this. I don't know why I'd be so crazy
To say those things, but the words have already been
"Third, damn you!" The big guy got up and grabbed me from the
Neck. Too quickly got up and tried to separate us both, but
Still they beat me and hit me against the wall.

"Calm down a little, are you drunk? If you're drunk, go back to
The room."
"I'm not drunk, I'm just telling the truth. Am I
Wrong?" I have no way to control my emotions. I am
About to explode. It's bad enough that we ignore
To each other. Why do you want to bring a stranger here? I can't
Endure it more!
"So what?! At least I know how to love someone. Unlike you,
Unreasonable troublemaker!"
"You dare say this. Do you really think that what you're doing is love?"
"I dare say this is love! And I know very well that
I will never give my love to a bad guy like you." His voice almost breaks me
Eardrum. The other two friends prevented him from attacking me. my
Tears fell silently to the ground, and I looked down at
That tear in silence until the next tears fell,
One by one.

Too tried to help me get up. I couldn't gather any
Strength. I could only sit on the floor, tilt my head towards
Down below, cover my mouth and keep crying.
"Kai, third is drunk, don't take him so seriously."
"You can't talk shit even if you're drunk!"
"Let's be kind.  He's Not well lately."
"Is he my wife? "Why should I care about him?"
"Hey, kai, please talk to him kindly."
"When he's ready to get me, I'll talk to him
Kindly, are you satisfied?"
Hit me!

The sound of two objects hitting each other resonated. Before the
Situation became more chaotic, too rushed to separate the
Two people. The fight ended after bone hit
"Kai is also a friend, kai is your dear friend"
"But third, he... He..."
"Bone, enough." I quickly stopped it before bone
Say more. My tears flowed uncontrollably.
There is absolutely no possibility between kai and me. Kai turned his back to me,  I couldn't see his face, I couldn't see his face

"I'm sorry... It's my fault." Finally I got up after
Finish the sentence.
To protect the word "friends ", I will hide my feelings for you

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