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"What do you want to buy? Why are we standing here?"
In front of the lipstick shelf? I was so embarrassed
I wanted to dig a hole in the ground.
"I want to buy lipstick as a gift for a girl."
Suddenly my face froze, but I said nothing. Its normal for Kai to buy
Perfumes and cosmetics for women, but he usually don't
Ask for help. Today it is an exception.
"Why don't you let her choose?"
"I don't know, I want to choose for her personally." Okay, if you're happy. a
Even though he knew I wasn't what lipstick is. still
So he asked me: "is this color good?"
"How about this one?"
"This is also beautiful."
"What do you think of this? Which of the three is the best?"

"Does she has more than one mouth? Why do you want to buy so many?"
"Women are different from us, just choose one!"
"This is pink, this is pink, this... it's also pink, so what
Is it the difference?"
"Is it?" However, we cannot choose which is better or which is not.
To differentiate them... So the staff came to help us.
"Sorry, what kind of lipstick do you need?" Kai gave me a look and waited for me to deal with the question. intended
Look the other way and admire the decoration of light, this great
Stupid cow!
"I need... A lipstick for the mouth..." This is the only
Answer that occurs to me.
"There are many different styles of lipstick. There are liquids and
Creamy, matt and velvety, or you want a tint of lips
Clearer?" I couldn't understand anything she said. I pointed out to the
Few who were selected by kai.
"I want something like this"

"If you want to know which color you prefer, you can try it."
The staff was called in to help another client, leaving
Kai and me standing up and thinking about what she meant with
"Test the color".
"Let me prove it to you." He applied the lipstick on my lips. I wanted to
Die on the spot, but kai seems happy. I looked in the mirror with
Total abandonment, until the staff returned.
"Have you chosen the one you like?"
"The one in my friend's mouth, ok?"
"Ha?" The people in the store were stunned. My mouth is
Swollen orange in the center like a Korean. Kai,
Damn it. If you do this again next time, don't ask me
To accompany you. I am your friend, not your little white mouse. All the
World was trying to find a make-up remover for me.
When I finally paid for the item, I ran out of the

To be sure, my friend bought several
He spent a lot of money. But that's not enough. He also took me
To a brand store to buy a bracelet.
"Damn it, this is so expensive!"
"Let's take a look, okay?" He showed me a bracelet of
"I don't know much about bracelets, you choose them yourself." after
That, kai didn't ask me anymore. He silently chose one and paid for it.
We also bought other things at random until I stopped in
A great bookstore. I looked at several books I wanted to buy, but I didn't
I know which one to get.
"What do you want?" Kai asked me from behind the
"I'm thinking which one to get."
"Why don't you buy everything?"
"Ha? I've already bought four. If I get a few more,
I'd be spending too much. Maybe just this one will do."

I decided to choose a book about travel and film production and
I paid at the counter.
"Come on, let's go. If not, it would be too late for a
Movie ". I nodded, so we went to the movies with the two
Busy hands.
Do you know how happy I am tonight?
I could eat with you, go shopping together and watch movies together.
Although I have not completely resolved my feelings, this is
The best state of our relationship.
We are sitting side by side in the cinema. Is different from
See it from behind. It's the worst thing in life to be angry with him. no
I'll never let this happen again.
From the beginning of the film to the shooting, although
Only two hours, my painful heart seemed to be revitalized, despite
That the movie wasn't as romantic as I had
"Where are you going now?" I asked him.
"Mr. Third, it's already midnight, isn't it time to go home?"

"Oh, I forgot."
"Did you leave your things in the casillero? Let's take things and
Come back together."
I really want to stop time right now,
But I know it's impossible. We're just friends, I can't be
I walked to the underground parking lot with kai. our
Transport was parked in different places, so
We have to be separate from here. He gave me a bag of
White plastic before leaving, but he didn't tell me what was inside.
"What is this?"
"For me?"
"Yes, see you tomorrow, don't sleep till late." kai
He reached out and touched my head before he left. I looked at the Plastic bag
in my hand and I found...

They are the few books I wanted to buy...
Do you know how happy I was at that time? Though I could not
Get your heart, but if you care about me like that, I'm
Feeling moved, my tears overflowed in my eyes.
I have to hide quickly in the car before I
Make myself more dramatic...

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