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The diagonal seat in front of me keeps making a squeak
That irritates me. When he began the song that pays tribute to the
King, all stood up to show their respect, the
Initial boredom turned into a deep headache.
I clearly recalled the height of the person in front of me. In spite of
That he wasn't right, and I can only see part of his face,
I knew very well that he's the only one I've been thinking about.
Why do I have to run into you when I'm still so
The song was over, everyone sat down again.
I stood quietly in the dark, looking at the guy
Great sit slowly in your seat. At the moment when
He turned around and found my look, my whole world left
By revolving.
What should I do? And what is he going to do? Will he greet me? Do I
Will him smile as before? Will you ask me questions? Just do something,
As long as you can make me feel better.
But nothing happened, nothing happened. We only looked at each other
Seconds and then we break our eyes with indifference. I can't
Avoid him ... Are we still friends?
"P', would you sit down, please?"

"Oh, sorry." I sat down quickly.
My heart beats violently. The sound of my heartbeat is even stronger than that of the person who chews
Popcorn in front of me. Like me, he doesn't eat snacks
During the movie. But today, he's eating a little to
Please the person next to him.
The film began. The strange thing is that I'm more interested in
The red sofas I have in front of me instead the movie. I can't
Understand why I have to look in that direction countless
Times. This is not the first time I've seen kai and a woman,
But somehow it makes me feel more painful because I am not that special person for him .
I began to force myself to stare at the big screen I had
In front. It was of no use. The image on the big screen is blurry . I hate my fragile self.
I watched them in secret several times. Kai and the woman were still
Whispering to each other. He even feeds the woman several
Times. For the first time I felt it was so unnecessary in this
World. Strangely, I cannot move at all. I sat down
For two hours, and I feel like I'm in hell.
My strength disintegrated like ashes. Every moment of my
Secret love of two years and four months passes before my eyes. my
Brain is quickly looking for all the reasons to
Surrender to him. Good or bad, as long as you can
Renounce him. At least, at this very moment

Last drop of breathing force is fading,
Let me give it up.
"Kai, what did the actress say? I didn't understand." The whispers of the two
They travel to my ears. I tried to listen to his conversation.
Fortunately, there aren't many people in the movies. All are
Dispersed, so that their conversation does not affect others except... To me...
"She's saying," I want to be the first to drink a message
Text ".
"Help me to understand..."
"It means you want to be the first person to send a
Message when drunk."
"Next time I'm drunk, can I send you a
As I listened to this heartbreaking conversation, my brain sent me a new message...
Third, it is promiscuous.
"Where are we going after the movie?"

"Would you like to go to my house?"
Fourth, he treats everyone as if it were his adventure of a
"Ok then..."
"SHHHH..." The whole auditorium was silent again, only
He heard the sound of the film. I looked at the screen with total
Concentration, but I have no idea what the movie is all about.
What is this film about? Because so far what I've seen and
What I've heard is just kai.
Fifth, your ex is always a big problem.

It's not as simple as replacing one with another. Many girls came to our group to make a fuss. One of them
It left a deep impression on me. It was a girl who begged me
Help her get back with kai. If kai can manage his
Relationships, your friends will get rid of all these problems.
Sixth, he's not smart enough.
He's not smart enough, and I was stupid during
Long time.
How long have I been depressed? My heart is already very
Even if we can no longer go back to the old days, is this
What do I get after enduring a long period of distress?
Man is a strange animal, knowing that love would end
With pain, but we still want to know the taste of love. since
The first day I saw kai, I wished I could meet him. Even if this
It leads to pain, it would be worth it.

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