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The sound of whistles woke me up when the sunlight sneaked through the curtain hole and shone in my face. I opened my
Eyes and found myself wrapped in blankets. The friend who's  whistles merrily on the side of the closet as he fastens his uniform.
"I'm going to school..."
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
"I tried to wake you up half an hour ago. You told me you won't go to
The school."
"Damn you, when did I say that?"
"Okay, why don't you keep sleeping? We've seen the movies
Until five in the morning. Also, are you ready to see him
Now?" I listened quietly. Today there are two classes, and I'm not ready
To fight kai.
"Well, thank you for your concern, did you get enough sleep?"

"My dear friend, I have a hot date later."
He is really my dear friend... Too is tireless when it comes to girls. If I could be like him, and not think too much,
I wouldn't need to be nervous about anyone, I wouldn't need to think
Who to give my heart, because in the end, no one can guarantee
How long the love will last.
"The milk is in the fridge and the cereal is in the cupboard." My dear
Friend repeated again.
"Er, thank you."
"If you're too lazy to go out in the evening, there's a box of
Rice in the refrigerator. You can heat it in the microwave."
"I'm not a child."
"Well, you're almost like one. I'm leaving right now."

"Er, bye~"
Too said goodbye with his hand and left with his backpack. Now I am
Alone in bed, I took out my phone to surf the Internet. Don't  know what to do.
Ask me if I feel lonely. Yes, about to die of loneliness.
It probably won't be long before I
Get used to it. I did not contact anyone until 5 p.m., and
The door rang.
Tok, tok, tok, tok...!
I was watching a movie, so I got up and went to the
Door. As I walked, I thought of giving him a piece of my
Too much brain. Why do I have to open the door when you have
The key? Before I could say anything, I saw the person who was at the door.
"Kai..." I said the name. Kai, who wore a school uniform like
Before, he looked at me.

"Erm... only..." We were both silent for a long time. I didn't say a word because I learned the lesson
That silence is a kind of protection for me and
For others.
"I brought you the class notes." In the end, he spoke first.
"Thank you." I came over and took away his notes. After that, the
Air calmed down again. We are not as close as before.
"Don't you feel good?"
"No, it's just laziness, you... Are you coming in?" The big man nodded. the
I took him to sit on the sofa in the living room. The television showed a very old film. Kai sat far away from me.
He said nothing.

"I'm here, not just to give you notes."
"I came to apologize to you. I shouldn't talk to you like that. I didn't mean to
Say that."
"It doesn't matter. I also want to apologize to you. I made you
There's nothing better than apologizing. I really want to give him a
Thank you. For his willingness to apologize first, otherwise
I would not dare say so at all.
"Third, you and I... Can we start over?"
Kai didn't ask me why I was angry. I am also
Willing to take care of my feelings, so let the
Past remains in the past...

"Ok, it's no fun being angry with you." I won't let my heart hurts again.
"If you have forgiven me, will you live with me again? It's uncomfortable
Be bothering too."
"No, too doesn't feel that way. I'm not moving anymore."
When I decided to move out of kai's apartment, I decided
There is no turning back. If I move back, I don't know what
Painful situation I would face again. Whatever it is,
I will continue to suffer.
Being too close can be painful, and it's better to keep
A good distance like this.
"I didn't ask you to do it immediately, I just wanted you to think again."
"Let me think first."

"Er, how's your script?" When the atmosphere calms down,
We changed the subject.
"I haven't written anything yet..."
"P 'cent asked about you this afternoon.
"Why didn't he call me?"
"I didn't want him to call you, because sometimes you might want to be
Alone." Look, kai knows me well. We must remain friends,
For it is much more painful to fight with it and lose it. This is
Much better. At least, we can remain friends.
"Kai, thank you."
"You're my friend."
Thank you for your willingness to admit that I am your friend and
I'll rearrange my feelings for you.

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