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Finally it's time to go home and be discharged from
hospital. I called my mom last night and told her she didn't have
to pick me up so I can stay with Third. I know he's
tired because of me, but I'm a selfish bastard, just
I want to stay with him.
The paramedics helped me carry the wheelchair to the sedan
Black who always drove Third. Everything was ready and loaded
in the car, I sat down and then the door closed. I looked at him with the
hand on the wheel.
"Fasten your belt". He said, but I didn't want to move.
"Do it for me, my shoulder hurts."
"You're really annoying" Although it sounded like a complaint decided
He reached out to me, extended his hand, and bowed
to help me buckle up.
"Oh, my nose is about to touch you." I laughed and immediately
I put the tip of my nose in his face.
"Stop joking, sit down, or I won't be able to pay attention while I drive." After that, he turned on the car engine. The car was not as quiet as I thought, and
Although we did not speak, the music lightened the awkwardness and the
tension between us.
"It is so boring."
"What is it with you?"
"You always listen to the same song."
I pushed the button to switch to the next song.
"Damn, you have to ask the owner's permission before you do
Something, don't you think?"
"Normally I never do that. Well I'll sing for you..., ♫♫but
In general you seem very charming...♫♫" My voice is so
charismatic that I turned around and looked at Third behind the wheel, and
He looked at me too.
"♫♫Don't be shy, I'm telling you the truth.♫♫"
"You can stop".
"♫♫You're really charming, cute as a cow, and you look
The more you look, the uglier you are♫♫".

"Keep fucking doing it".

"I sang it for you, do you like it?"

"If I hadn't been driving, I would have kicked you out. You're so
annoying". It is strange that the strong voice of the Third did not me
repress. Instead, I was very happy to make fun of him.
He stretched his fingers and pressed the button for a long time.
Finally, he clicked on a song he liked, and his status
Mood finally improved a little.
"What song is this?" I asked the person next to me.
"Part Time Musicians - The Only One"*

"And this one?" I took the opportunity to switch to the next
"Damn you, I'm listening."
"And this one?"
"Do you care about me?"
"This is the title of the song, my friend, don't be an asshole."

"How about this one?" I'm still happy to switch to the next
song, I feel that Third has been provoked by me when I
He suddenly breathes deeply.
"I need You"***
"You see, you're indirectly saying you love me."
"Retard, let me ask you something, did you leave your brain in the
hospital?" I'm just asking you for fun. This song
is from M83. Sometimes Third's track list is very varied.
You can listen to any kind of song, it's very hard to

"But this song is familiar to me."
next song, without taking seriously the complaints of the person
who is beside me.
"The One - Kodaline"**** gave me the answer.
"♫ Tell me... tell me you love me...♫"
"♫ And I will be yours completely, for better or for worse...♫"
I waited for the prelude to begin before I continued singing, and
then I slowly toned it down and said, "So..."
"What are you doing?"

"I mean I like this song."
"The last sentence of the song is... ♫ That's why I know you're the
"I'm not asking you a question. I'm telling you..."

I'll let you know you're the one.
Going to school is really problematic and I had to wear crutches
dragging my cast leg. I couldn't wear my pants
Always, so I had to go through my stuff and find
baggy pants.
"Well, what kind of new trend is this? Pants
are actually a long leg and a short leg. It's really super
hip-hop, yo!" I just got into school but they've already
Mocked me a lot of people.
Since I moved back into my apartment, Third seems
become my little slave, because he has to
to take care of my daily life. If I say it is my
wife, some people might believe it. But since he
Admit, I can only think of it in my heart.
Today's first class will be in the largest classroom in the building.
But I need breakfast first, so we're here at the

cafeteria with Bone and Too. As soon as I got to the cafeteria,
my wife arranged a place for me to sit and I was ready
to get me something to eat.
"What do you want to eat?"
"The same as you".
"What about the drink?"
"Also the same as you."
"Then wait a minute." With that he went to the restaurant
we always go, letting the three of us catch up, and
now my plan to get your love back is quite effective, but by
We still don't know if he's still chatting with P'An, because
He hasn't let anyone touch his phone since that day.
"Damn, talking about the devil." As soon as we talked about
he, we look together at the target, and the person he most feared

He was walking over here, and he managed to talk to the
Little man standing there waiting for food.
"I won't allow it, I want to go bother them." With that, quickly
I grabbed the crutch next to me. Using the crutches requires skills
special, first you have to hold the crutches and keep them
Stand up with all your strength.
That's the theory, but the reality...
The reality is I haven't even moved my legs yet, damn
"Don't go, it's back." Third came back with the plate and the water, and
the other rice dish was held by P'An, and they were
walking straight towards us.
"Hello, guys." We greeted, Bone and Too quickly him
They returned the greeting with a smile.
"Hello, P'An".

"I'll sit with you".
"Where is your friend?" There is a limit to human patience,
so I can't help but open my mouth.
"We follow separate paths and meet in the classroom more
Late. This is your meal". He gave me food and water, so
I had to thank him and expressed my gratitude reluctantly.
We sat and ate for almost 10 minutes, and only they
two had a conversation and I don't know what kind of play
theater were talking. Is this only the play in your
lives? There are still some people around. But
He seems to know what I'm thinking, and it doesn't take long
start talking to us.
"Today we are going to start rehearsing the scenes. You can come to
watch it together. And the sound group also asked me to tell you
They have to talk about the details of your work".
"Okay, I'll go with the whole gang after school."

"There's one more thing."
"Which one?"
"There's a girl who asked me to help her get your Line."
Fuck you, how can you say such a thing in front of Third?
My body hardened and I looked at the little man who was
eating without saying a word.
You're gonna start a war with me, right? You're good
stabbing people in the face, right?
"But I already have someone in my heart."
"But he says he's been asking you for a long time. What
pity. Maybe he just wants to talk to you about the job". Your
you think?

"I don't want to talk to anyone about anything."
"What's the big problem with giving your line? Didn't you used to give your line to
all school?" I looked at my superior with a face of
bewildered, he has successfully kindled anger in my heart.
"Well, I guess giving it is okay... Then you have to
Tell the girl, P'Kai's line is T-H-I-R-D-3-3."
"Say it again"
"Look at my mouth, T-H-I-R-D, and then 3 - 3."
"THIRD33, Third?"

"Yes, talk to P'Kai's wife if you have anything to discuss,
Thank you..."

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