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Hard work is counterproductive
"It's noon. I'm hungry. It's noon."
"Stop complaining, it's annoying."
"In two minutes, my stomach will start roaring like crazy. If The teacher doesn't finish the class on time, I'll escape
"You have bugs, can't you stand it?"
Scold me whatever you want, because right now I don't care. I just know I'm anxious like an ant in a
Hot pot. I stare at the teacher and want her to turn off the
Slides. The teacher is also upset that he always arrives on time, and will never leave class until 12 o 'clock in the morning.
"Students, today I'm going to drag the class a little, just
There are a few points left and I want to finish it."
"All right"
No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I don't want that! There's one more page
In the booklet, the slides have four, there must be several
More photos, and what does this mean? It means we have to
Wait half a day longer. The worst thing is that I forgot to bring food
With me.
"May I ask the teacher to let me out first?"
I asked bone anxiously.
"If you leave now, you'll miss this class. Just sit down for a while!"
"Little shit!"
"Third, did you bring any food? Kai is complaining again."
Third, who was listening attentively, turned to look at
Too, who was talking. When I was hungry, third always put some food in his  backpack for me, that's why I always
I deliberately forget to bring food with me, because
I want to eat what he gives me.
"Not sure, let me see." With that, he put his hand in his
Backpack and looked for it, and then gave to Bone, who gave it to me in a few seconds.
My tears fall, unexpectedly there are Japanese rice balls to eat.
I knew that third was still worried about me, but I don't wanna not
Make him feel shy, I decided not to say anything and eat
Quietly with my  head down. But with only one
Bite, an indescribable smell spread through my mouth.
"What brand is this rice ball? Why is it sticky?"
I complained while I ate, but as the steel man, I didn't stopped, and immediately ate the second and third.
"Japanese rice is like that. It's a little sticky."
Although the taste is really bad to the point that not even a
Dog could eat them, I managed to finish them all. for When I realized I had a transparent bag in my hand,
My whole body feels numb.
"Third, when did you buy it?"
"I don't know. It's been in my backpack for a week."
What the fuck!!
"It's expired, damn it!" I screamed, the teacher turned to look at me and
I had to apologize to the teacher. At the same time, third was apologizing to me, but he didn't even look at me.
"Sorry, I didn't know it was expired."
I can feel it, though third is trying to keep our
Friendship, their efforts are the opposite, because little by little
We are moving much further apart.
As much as I tried to approach him, he would be further away from
It feels terrible. But I can't say anything, all this is for me

At noon, we went to the school dining room to eat. I, who
I had just eaten an expired rice ball, I had no
Desire to eat and secretly prayed in my heart that I would not
Crap in the middle of the afternoon class. We ask
Our food separately, and we all meet again
With a plate of food.
The difference is that I also bought third a bottle of
Water. As I  was afraid he would reject him directly,
I put the bottle in my hand.
I don't know where all my cheeks have disappeared. Finally
I realize that I didn't have the courage to persecute people like
Before. I thought it in my head and hated myself.
"Is the food in this restaurant delicious? Give me a
Test." I spread my spoon ready to unearth the
Man's pig sitting next to me, but third moved more
Faster than me, and instantly set the plate aside.
"Take it yourself."
"I just want to try it."
"Why are you so stingy? It's just pork."
"I am a stingy man who buys what he wants to eat alone."
Bone who was sitting on the opposite side kicked my
Legs. I couldn't help cursing in my heart. Was it not my
Natural enough? I lay face down
For a long time, until the man who was by my side got up while heading somewhere.
"Third" didn't stop me and I stopped him.
"What?" He asked me with a serious face, "how can it be so cute!"
"Where are you going?"
"Buy water."

"This is your water." I pointed out the water I bought him on purpose
From the beginning.
"I have my own money."
"No, I bought it for you."
"But I want lemon tea." After that, he went to buy his
Drink. The other two and I looked at each other desperately.
"You're finished. You have exhausted his kindness for you." Too told me,
Shaking his head while swallowing the rice on the plate.
"What can I do?"
"Forget it."
"I think you can try to step back. In reality,
If You don't want to lose him, maybe you just want to be his friend. Think about it
"I've thought about it, I've been thinking about it until my
Brain almost explodes, I just know I can never bear to see
Third going out with someone else, and now I'm going to find out."
"Too, help me to inquire on third's mobile every conversation
With those people."
During the time we were all busy with the
Division of labor of the play, third has joined
Slowly to other circles, but the most important thing is that he and
P 'cent have come too close.
P 'cent is a man with good personality and intelligence.
I'm afraid that someday he'll meet another person,
I'm afraid to think about it.

"How do I do that? I don't like to get involved in private life
Of my friends."
"Is that true? Didn't you get involved in this?"
"He told me alone, that's how I've come to know."
"So you're not going to help me. What about our friendship?"
"Kai, are you threatening me?"
"What can you do to me?"
"Well, I'll take a look at his cell phone later, ok?"
"There is no time because tonight, there are rehearsals." Seeing third returned, I quickly strayed from the subject. He put the lemon tea in
His hand on the table, then he sat in his original position and continued to eat without saying a word.
"Third, will you go to the rehearsal room after school?"
A new topic came up.
"Yes, I have a date with p 'cent."
"You open your mouth and say p 'cent, you close your mouth and it's p 'cent, are you
Having an affair?"
"Your wife will break your mouth later." Damn it! I made third
Angry  again. I really don't like him dating
P 'cent. Am I afraid of p 'cent? I'm afraid of your friends.
"Give me the opportunity to finish asking my questions"
"May I go to your room for dinner today?"

"Answer me."
"Ok, next question."
"Are you free tomorrow? Let's eat shabu."
"I'm not available."
"Where are you going?"
"To many places, are you done?"
"Where are you going?"
"Why the fuck are you still asking and not following your own
Way? What about your women? What about your classmates

Drink? Don't you stay with them? Why are you staying
With me?" He spoke with a single breath, and by his tone I could
Feeling that he was a little angry, so the three of us looked at each other
With a slight panic.
I turned my head and looked at the little man screaming. I didn't know what
He meant by that, but I wanted to respond seriously to his
"I keep asking because I want to know, and I don't go with other people because I have no one, not even women, not even my
Drink companions."
"I have all my free time to hit on you."
"Because you're the only person I care about."
An actor has to rehearse at least 3-4 days a week
According to the schedule established by our superiors. third
And I walked into the rehearsal room, too went to take the pictures, and
Bone went looking for the elders.
Before we start acting, we have some small
Warming activities, and we sat in a circle
Stretching our bodies and meditating. After that, the
Trainer told us to sit in a circle and gave
Each of us 5 sheets of paper with lots of
Colored pens.
"Everyone, this is a small activity that will allow us to
Understand your ideas and ways of thinking. I'll give you a word
Bear, they have to draw what they think, not necessarily be a bear, you can draw a person
Look like a bear, but this is just my example. only
You need to draw whatever you want to express, ok?"
Everyone nodded and said they were ready, but
I couldn't help but turn around and keep looking at the person sitting
Behind us with the script team. Third didn't lend much
Attention to our group, but in reality, I had no Obligation to pay attention to us, what am I waiting for?

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