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"You "
"Gustas "
I broke my head to find an idea to go confess.
A way to express myself without shooting kai. I can only
Depend on my old movies for some ideas.
Three days have passed. My eyes will come out after seeing
So many movies
This movie is about a guy who fell in love with his girlfriend
Best friend. As a result, his love will never be reciprocated.
It may sound sad, but it's painfully beautiful.
I had a photo album and a scrapbook of kai. I saved
All the entries from the film we saw together in the album
Cuts. I'll also add my short reviews to the movies.
These books have all the memories we made together.
You can imagine how thick they are now. This is not all,
I also keep many videos (with his photos up close) that
They were taken during the first year on my mobile

Keep everything about kai, with great care and amor.
Tok, tok, tok, tok...
I was startled when someone knocked on the door. I answered with difficulty.
"Who... Who is it?"
"Your old man." The person outside the door answered without
"Too much?"
"Er, open the door."

I quickly kicked the scrapbook under the sofa and
  hid it  under a blanket on the sofa. I checked twice for
Make sure it's well hidden before I open the door.
"Why did it take so long?" He asked angrily as he sat down
On the floor and leaned on the sofa. Start looking at the screen
In front of him.
"Why are you here in the middle of the night?"
"Is your room on Mars? Is there any reason
Can't I be here?"
"Damn it!" You can visit me at any time, but not

All three of us stayed in the same apartment, but in another
Floor. Except kai. His mother got him an apartment that
It is near our apartment. That explains why the others
Two love to stop by my house once in a while, for several
Reasons like talking about girls, copying assignments, making reports,
Find food and even go to the bathroom.
"What do you want?"
"Will you lend me your laptop? My computer just crashed."
"Damn it!" He's been complaining about his computer for
Enough time. Should have been fixed before
He died completely.
For art students, the computer is indispensable.
We use it for many tasks. We also have two computers,
A desktop and a laptop. His MAC book was sent to
Repair last week. Now that his computer is
Dead, he has no choice but to borrow mine.

"Hurry up, the girls are waiting for my pictures. I need to do
Some photoshop."
"I wish you were so enthusiastic about your studies."
"Study can only give you academic credit points.
To love
Someone makes you win his heart. Which is worth the
Effort?" Just let me vomit. When have I seen you love
Anyone seriously? He also changes his girlfriend like water
Tap current, uninterrupted.
"Shut up and use my laptop."
"Er. "

He extended both hands to receive the laptop. When I passed it,
I noticed that the video of the shot near kai still
It is in playback mode on my laptop!
I'm in quite a mess.
"Third, why are you watching these old videos?"
"Erm..." I quickly turned off the video. Too took the laptop without
Suspect anything and continued stuck watching television.
"I thought you were in a hurry to photoshop."
"I'm thinking, why do you like romance? Are you
Secretly in love with someone?" I panicked and denied

"No, no, no, no... I'm not in love with anyone. Why not
Can't I watch romance? I'm not... I am not secretly
In love with no one... "
"Okay, understood. But why do you blush?" He asked and turned
To watch TV again. He put one of his hands on the
"What is this?" He asked while taking out the photo book
Under the blanket. He began to leaf through the book with curiosity.
Ahhhhhhh!! Too much!! I'm so dead!!
"No...!" It was too late. He has seen everything. To get worse
All over the area and finds the
Scrapbook under the sofa.
"Third, what the hell?"

"..." I couldn't utter a word. I kept quiet and
I could feel the blood draining from my face.
"Do you... Do you like kai? "
"What...? Who? Who says...? No... I don't like... "
"So who wrote this? You can tell it's your damn letter!"
I fell on the sofa and looked at too discouraged.
"Please don't tell him that..."
"You know very well that kai will never go out with a friend,
What... "

"Exactly! That's why I kept quiet about it. now
You know, please help me keep this secret..." the
Tears begin to come out in my eyes. Many times,
I wish I could confess. Most of the time, I had to
Gather enough courage to talk to him.
"How long has it been?" Too asks me all the time
Seriousness. He must be shocked to discover this
"Not for long..."
"Damn it, third! Could you please answer my question?"
"Just over 2 years..."

"From the first day I met him..."
"And have you kept the secret until now? I would never know if I didn't discovere it today by chance.
"Bastard, you can really keep secrets."
"Are you praising me or reciting?"
"Third, I'm serious. Do you know very well that kai is
Straight? "
"Yes" I nodded. This is another reason that prevents me from
Confessing. It hurts my heart to think about it. Damn it!

"So, have you decided to keep this a secret forever?"
"I'll get over it soon. After all, it's been two years... "
"You know we're in a small circle. We have sworn to be
Brothers for life...", too is extolled.
"..." God, I'm so sleepy and too keeps talking.
"Okay, I'll help you."
"Huh?! "
"It is too tortuous to love someone without telling them. That's why
I confess my love to all the girls I like. "

"Do you confess to all the models that worked with you? Cursed!
Sea, animal!"
"Ok, ok... trust me ok?"
"Why do you want to help me?"
"Because you are my friend."
"And kai?"
"He's also my friend. Never before have you loved someone. I wonder if you could be the person for him
I'd love it."

"How do you intend to help me? I don't even have the courage to
"Tell it straight to his face." Give me a pat on the shoulder
As I cheer up.
We turned at the same time to the TV that was still
Can that be so? Can I confess my love without telling him?
Tok tok tok...

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of kai's door.
Too called about 5 minutes ago to make sure
He's at home.
Every second is a nervous breakdown. Especially in this very instant I stood in front of his apartment,
Waiting for him to open the door. This is too much
Ok, either do it or die!
"Third, why are you here?" His handsome face frowned,

I remained silent. With a few white
Hands, I smiled as I leafed through the white CARDS. This I did
Together with too anoche.
The first white card was written as follows :
"How are you?"
I threw the first board to the floor, the second, the third...
"Today is just another normal day, but not for me. I have something
Special to tell you. "
"You are special to me."

"Not this kind of special."
Below are some photos of batman, superman and captain
"You are more special than them."
"I'd like to tell you how special you are to me."
The last 3 whiteboards will say a thousand words.

Gustas "
Then I stood still and smiled silently at him. The grandote
He was stunned, and whispered in a low voice...
"Third... "
"Do you understand how I feel? I..."
"This is a fantastic idea! Can I use this for girls?
I was thinking of some new ideas... "

"Are you a parasite in my stomach? How do you know I'm
Running out of ideas? Thank you very much, brother! You reminded me
And you reminded me of Jurassic park, idiot!
"I love you in..."
I hate you, bastard.
I can only say...
"Nothing..." before he dragged me into his arms.
Oh, yes... Damn it. Now I firmly believe that an idiot
He will always be an idiot, no matter what he has been told. this
Imbecile! Why on earth am I in love with him?

I'm so tired of all this bullshit.

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