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There's a book about surrender. Says that time doesn't
help us surrender faster. But keeping us busy,
Will make us forget the pain faster and allow us
Start again.

So I decided todo all kinds of things to keep myself going.
Busy. Whether someone asked me for help
To do something, or to volunteer to help
Someone, would participate in all kinds of activities in the

At least when I'm doing things, I can forget kai
For a moment.

The work for the play is about to begin, and the number of meetings I will be attending is increasing. There are several
Meetings with people from different departments each
Week, and there will be a full
Next week.

The current state of the group of thugs is like a puddle of
Standing water. I try not to get too involved in life
Deprived of my friends. I sit in a quiet corner and
I hear their updates. I've heard kai's relationship with
His girlfriend has been very fluid. I've heard they're very much in love.
I have also seen him and his girlfriend many times. And my heart will continue to hurt... But as soon as I deviated my
Thoughts about the things I have to do,
I don't have time to think of such a thing.

Too often goes out to take pictures with
Photo club members. Bone is also busy with
The sound department and his own girl. Each of us have our own responsibilities and obligations, because
What our relationship is not as close as before. I continue to
Love my friends, but we don't have to be together all the time
We have our own dreams, and our dreams
They may not be the same.

In the past, I had imagined that I could find someone
Who loves and grows old with him. We would be standing in the
Balcony, smoking the same cigarette and sharing a kiss. by
The morning to be busy with chores in our
Apartment, and my better half would rush to get up from
The bed. When we would have holidays, we would travel together to
Another city or abroad. There's no need to be a millionaire,
If our life is good for both.

Now looking back at my dreams, everything seems so childish and
Ridiculous. I had no idea then what love and
Immense pain that brings with it.

Now that I have a deep understanding of the pain of love,
My previous dream is shattered. I'm starting a new dream . I want to be a screenwriter. I want to make a movie based on
The story of my own life. When the film is finished,
I'll see it 50 times, and then create another new script. When I win
Enough money, I will travel around the world.

Maybe after 30 or 40 years, I'll have a completely
Different from the rest of my friends. You may no longer need
No one's love. You may no longer be afraid of being alone.
Because I already know the pain of love, which is 100 times more
Terrible than loneliness.
For me now, the most important thing is to get through the rest of the
Third year. And today, I have a hard task with too. I mean,
Mute for the third time. My new apartment is not far from my
Friends. I only need to climb five floors.
I didn't tell kai and bone, because I don't want to shoot them.
I had to tell too because I stayed with him.
If I had a choice, I'd prefer that he didn't know too.

It took me a long time to move my things. Finally I have my
Own house. Too seemed elated, because he was helping me to
Move things with enthusiasm. Finally you can bring women to your
House since I moved. I feel like kicking him in
The face.
"This is really exhausting..." My dear friend screamed as he fell down
To the bed. I looked at him with my brow.
"I told you I can move alone."
"Aren't you my friend? How can I let you come and go alone?"
"I can say you can't wait to make room for your
"Don't pretend you know me very well."

"When can you stop being a womanizer?" I asked him. But I know
That this is an unanswered question.
"What a stupid question. Why better not ask me
When will I stop breathing?" Er, I knew! I can't get in
Because of these people, even too and bone are the same bastard
As kai. They will not stop being womanizers for anyone.
"Er, sorry, I shouldn't ask, it was my fault."
"In fact, one day we will feel tired. Do you think we always
Will be like teddy?"
"You're not teddy..."
"I am a human being, not a reincarnation of teddy.
I will definitely stop for one person someday."
"Tell me what would make you stop."

"Time and opportunity. The time is when I feel tired and
No longer want to continue."
"As for the timing, it is... If I know a person, and
She's my ideal type, but the moment we met we didn't
Is the right one, maybe I didn't want to stop at that moment, such
Time we wouldn't end up together. But if I knew her when I'm
Tired, I'd stop for it and it's as simple as that."
"If you knew me after ten years,
You want to stop, would you choose me?"
"If I knew a cow, would I take it as my wife?"
"It looks like it would take me to anyone who comes. If the
Person doesn't have big tits, still wouldn't qualify." I'm sorry
Make you angry, my tits are not big enough.

I don't know if all womanizers think so. Since different
People come from different families and backgrounds, and would have
Different ways of thinking. Kai, for example, I think is a
Teddy, and will never stop.
"What are you thinking?" So it seemed to see through my mind
"Recently we didn't meet much, we separated
After school."
"We are stuck in a lot of activities, as far as I know
Understood. How are kai and his girlfriend? I haven't heard you talk
Recently." Today, when I talk about kai, I no longer feel like crying.
"If I answer your question, will you feel sad?"

"I only worry as a friend, I will not give him my heart anymore."
"They looked very affectionate."
"Is it?" I asked softly. If you can stop by this
Woman, I'd be so glad for him. She's different from the rest. I believe
May your love be soft and perfect. "If I had such a girlfriend
Beautiful as she is, I would take good care of her."
"Treat all women equally. The only difference... It is that
This brother is really stupid..."
"Why stupid?"
"Since that day, he hasn't taken anyone home."
"Even if he knows you'll never move again."

The annual play is getting closer and closer, and the
Full recruitment meeting will be held at 6 p.m.
Afternoon. All the participants gathered in the great hall of
Conferences. As director, p 'cent is responsible for
Tasks to all.
I sat next to my group of friends. Although I was sitting
Next to kai, we talked about nothing. We exchanged some
Looks and immediately turn to pay attention to p 'cent
On stage.
"The play is approaching. Everyone knows that our
Script was completed not long ago. I'll be the director of
The play and name, the fourth-year student, will be my assistant. in
As for the script, it is written by yangyee and third. Oh, applause,
Please!" I got up and bowed down before everyone, thanking the
All for the applause.

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