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I sat in the living room in a state of delirium for a
Mouse. Then I took the camera out of the bag, put it in the
Tripod and started recording.
If you still remember, I have my own youtube channel. although
I have more than 10,000 followers, but my video views usually
Be only a few hundred. Today is the day I must do
A video, no matter how depressed I am.
"Sawadeekrap, it's time for our movie saver. This video can
Be the last I'll do this year. Are you shocked? I'm going to
Share a very old movie today. The name of the movie is."
It took me about ten minutes to express all the thoughts of
My mind. The video was uploaded to youtube without any
Editing. My channel will continue to exist, but I will not go up again. I've also set privacy permissions for this
Last video.
I am determined to save this video as a memory, while
This channel continues to exist in this world, this video will never disappear.
The friendship of the group of thugs is at stake. although
We affirm that all is equal, but we all know that nothing is
Same as before. There are four people in our group, and now

We're still together, but the relationship that broke that day is no longer
Can recover.
I talk to kai from time to time. We keep going to class or
Have dinner together, but each time I'll include too and bone. I rarely see
Kai solo. I have decided that I need to change my current state. so
That, little by little, I began to approach too.
Fortunately, students in the art department always have many activities to occupy your mind.
As a result, I don't have much time to think about the problem. the
Next week, we will begin preparing for the
Presentation on stage at the faculty of art. At the end of the month,
There will be a celebration of the 42nd anniversary of the department of
Art. The workload will be so heavy that the most of us will not have time to think about our personal affairs
We have gone through much pain to reach this present state.
At the beginning of the fallout, kai and I have been
Ignoring for almost two weeks. Before this, each time
That he was angry, kai will apologize almost immediately or
I would pray for my forgiveness until I surrender. But now, it's no longer the
It feels like a real break.
"Where are you going after school?" When I asked too
While he anxiously empties his suitcase. Recently,
I've approached too, and kai is always seen next to bone.
"Photo shoot ".

"Have you got the girl yet?"
"Yes, it's from the nursing department. She's so cute. It is a
Girl I shouldn't make her wait." Too stood up and used
His two hands to rake his hair back with
"I haven't seen you fail, you should leave one for me."
"No, I'm not sharing anything. We don't share the same
Taste ".
"Er, just hurry up and leave..."
"Do you want us to go together?"
"Do you want it to be your light bulb? "Dream."
"Then I'll see you in the apartment at night, buddy."
"You may not even come back tonight." Tomorrow is Saturday,
It will most likely be left out.
Since I moved out of kai's apartment, we no longer meet
For dinner on Friday. We will go our separate ways
After school, just like today.
I put the case and the book in my bag without saying a word.
After a while, bone patted me on the shoulder
And invited me out.
"Let's eat together, there's a new buffet restaurant, it's super
Delicious!" Deliberately dragged his last word To whip up my appetite. In fact, I wanted to go, but considering that kai will be there
I can't  go, so I was willing to reject it. I was about to speak, another person spoke.
"Bone, I have no time tonight."
"Kai, where are you going?"
"I have an appointment." After finishing these words, he balanced
His backpack on his shoulder and left the classroom. I saw him
Slowly disappear from my eyes, then I turned to bone
And I shook my head.
"I have to go to the movies. Maybe next time."
"Er, no problem. I really don't want to go. It's just not me
I feel good seeing how our group has become..." the
Separation from the group seemed very bleak. When he finished
Talking, he went nowhere, but sat on the chair together with  me.
"Aren't you in a hurry to see your girl?"
"I want to talk to you first." There are fewer students in the classroom and
There is more and more silence, which leaves us both in the classroom.
"What are you talking about?" Bone stayed quiet a long time,
So I had to ask him.
"Are you angry with kai?"
"It's no big deal, let's not talk about it ."
"Then... Are you angry with me too? "
"Why do you say so?" No matter how angry I  am, we're still friends, right? Also, even if bone is the one who proposed

The silly idea, as long as the other party is willing to follow the
Play, then it would not be entirely his fault. So, no
There is no reason for me to be angry with him. In addition, the whole
World feels bad right now.
"Hey, if I did something wrong, let me apologize to you." The person
Next to me he spoke in a very sad tone, which did not look like himself.
People always see us laughing and joking, but when it comes
That moment, we can be very dramatic.
"What do you think you've done wrong?"
"Er, let me apologize for everything I did. Let's go back to the
Old days. The group of thugs is not very good at this
Current status!"
"I'm working on it. Now it's 5:00. Don't you
Have a date?" I raised my hand and looked at my watch, and quickly
I changed the subject. I didn't want to talk about it any further.
"No, I'm going to go home and ask my parents to pay me the
Living expenses. Can you come back alone?"
"Now you are worried about me. I usually come back alone."
"You are the most troubling in the group, that's why kai CARES
So much for you." When he mentioned the name, I couldn't speak.
"I have to leave now, see you on Monday. I have to go back and
I pity my mother."

"Er, just go." After saying goodbye to him, I saw him disappear
Of my sight. Now I'm alone in the classroom.
People who really care about others wouldn't do This. From the day I moved, too told me kai was still
Bringing different women into his department. Has not
Changed at all. Every day with a different girl. Can I
Hope there is still a sincere element in his fake face?
It's ridiculous to say he CARES about me, but he still has
Different women lying on his bed.
On Friday, I usually go shopping at the mall and
I look for something to eat, then I buy a movie ticket to see
The last movie of the day. But today I must speak with the superiors
Division of labor for the play, since there will be
An important meeting next week.
After the discussion ended, I had a great meal at the
Japanese restaurant. Finally, I can sit in the seat
Around 9:30pm.
Fortunately, I don't like to eat while watching movies, so
I saved money on drinks and popcorn. I prefer to see the
Last projection of the day since I do not like The noises of the people around me. There are very few people
During that hour, sometimes not at all.

The tone of the phone interrupted my thoughts. When I saw
The person who called was my landlord, I quickly answered the
[I won't be back tonight.]
"Are you going to spend the night with your girl?"
[how can I let go of this ripe fruit? ] too has only one
Room in his apartment. Now that I'm with him, he can only
Get the girl out. I feel guilty towards him, but the owner of the
House doesn't seem to matter to him at all. Instead, he told me
I could stay as long as I wanted. You just want
Give up kai and get well.
"Er, as long as you are happy."
[when I'm not at home, you don't cause problems.]
The last syllable is like floating in the air, because someone called
My attention.
It's kai. He was with a girl in school uniform. The girl was very
Small, and her hair was long. They stood in front of the
Drinks counter. I hold on to my stunned phone, and
I don't even know what the person is saying on the other side of the
Pulled me from the heart and I could only pray silently so that I would not
We were in the same auditorium. Fortunately, kai did not  saw. After buying popcorn and drinks, they went in
And disappeared.
It's not easy to give up someone I've loved for two
Years. The last two weeks hadn't reduced my pain Even a little. I don't know if there will be a day when I'll abandon him
The movie was about to begin. I turned off my mobile phone
And I got up. I handed the ticket to the staff and entered the
Auditorium. The trailer is ringing, and the place is dark. I walked
Towards my seat and I sat down. Today, there aren't many people watching the
Film. As usual, there are less than ten people in
The entire cinema room...

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