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[sorry. I can't do things right. I can't tell you,
Because if I tell you...]
[I'll miss you...]
Yes! From the moment I knew the truth, there was nothing left,
You broke all my trust in you!
I lost consciousness... My face was numb as if
My body could not move, I like

Women, I could not accept the idea that third would like me more
Than just a friend. Is this the secret you kept for two
Years? I don't want to know... We shouldn't even be friends.
I looked at my other two friends who had always known that third had harbored the unfaithful thought about me, but
Don't tell me. They had treated me like a fool,
I  had been really stupid for two years, did i deserve
To treat me like that?
As for third, he's a good friend of mine, and I care about him
As much as he cared  for me, but it is only for the sake of our friendship.
I don't want to lose it, but I don't want to change my relationship with
I went back to my room that night thinking and trying to find
A way to make him forget me.
What is certain is that I need him, I need him as my best
I want him to be my old friend again, I think my brain and  My heart can't be controlled, I don't like
Men, and there will never be a day when I like men.
All night long I was thinking about the women with whom I am
But I haven't slept with them, one of them was a
Old friend of mine, and we used to be classmates
And now we're also studying in the same
University. I want prao to pretend to be my girlfriend.
At least that's enough for third to stop thinking about me,
Because ours is absolutely impossible anyway.
Coincidentally, p 'cent was ready to celebrate with the people of
Group of writers, so I decided to take this opportunity.
I drank a lot that night, I could say I haven't stopped since
I entered the store, perhaps because this week it was very tense and
Third is everywhere in my head and I need
To  relax Desperately.

After drinking a lot of beer, I found a moment to
Run to the bathroom and not go out again, and wait for someone to come in,
That person would be third. He complained as usual,
But the person he was complaining about felt
"Why do you urinate for so long?"
"Are you still awake? It seems you don't understand what
I'm talking." I was trying to fasten my pants and he came to
Help me not to fall. Why? Why don't you love someone else ?
"Are you still fine? How many fingers do you see?"
He asked me, but I did not answer, although I was still awake

"You look very drunk, I'll take you home later, and your
Motorbike, I'll let the waiter take care of it for you. As for the others
No need to waste more time, I  pent  him  against the
Wall, he started to fight and I kissed him forcefully.
"Kai, you're drunk, uh, uh..."
Third fought again for a while, but soon remained
Still, and his body trembled impotent... I could feel clearly
His trembling, his misery grasping my heart with a great hand,
But I could not stop, I continued sucking, pulling his lip, without
Stop at the slightest.
I tried to put my tongue in his mouth and wanted him to feel
Miserable. But none of this was useful, and the man who didn't want
To be separated from his lips was clearly me, and the man who
Wanted to exchange the sweet taste of his mouth was clearly me,
And the man who felt unable to breathe was clearly me

When I found my sanity again, the breath that
He had finally been holding him back.
"Kai..." He said my name, and I could only answer him with sadness
In this way...
I kissed him again, but this time the kiss was so bitter, he kissed me
Still shaking, has been crying in pain, and
I was devastated.
he stopped crying, but his tears were still running down my face,
Sorry I made you cry, sorry...

"Prao prao..."
The reason I say someone else's name in front of you
It's because I really have no alternative, I can only do
Third... Please forget me...

This one was very sad we didn't get to know kais feelings before it was only thirds 😪

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