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Kai can't care about anything. However, there is one thing that
He values a lot. Apart from his girls of course this is his bike KTM
1190 RCB. That no one can touch her, this is his biological son,
Called "Charles".
"Are we going to see a movie today?"
"Come on!"
"What are we going to do?"
"Take your own car. As for me, I'm taking Charlie."
"Who is Charlie?"
"Charles is my son's nickname. Charlie is his real name."
"Are you kidding?"
"No, I mean it!"
"Can you take me?"
"By no means, this bike is just for girls,
Do you understand? "
Yes, I understand... Maybe not
As kai once told me, "love is that which, if it really
Someone likes me, she will look for me." That's why
He has never courted anyone in his life. The girls come solo.
"My wife liked him."
"To whom?"
"He liked the girl I'm talking to."
"Oops, you have a message..."
Mint supreeya p, who is it? Why do you "like" all the photos
What have you posted? And also those of all your friends?
Khunpol krichpirom (kai) er, I'm not sure who this is
Lie. This is kai.
He is an expert in "multitasking ". I think there's nobody in this
University that can overcome it.
"Well, I'm going over there." The sound of the ringtone brought me back to
That's right, we're walking into the building where the
Parking, is located 10 meters. This is where
We will go our own way.
"Jan, what's wrong with you?"
"Is that true? You have to stop being unreasonable"
"Don't start a fight, this is very irritating."
Damn bastard, why is this scene so familiar? I have seen
This over and over again. The same reaction of kai...
"Are you threatening to end me? Okay, let's finish. I will not say
Nothing else." And he cut off his phone. And now it's my turn to comfort him.
This has happened too many times.
"You... Are you okay?"
"Not very well." He looked very depressed. No problem, I'm
Here for you. I won't leave you. If there's no one by your side, I'll be
With you, I... I love you... I love you...
A message seems to have arrived on line. No, don't lift the
Telephone. Shit, please don't answer the phone.
"Ohhhh, it's milk accounting..."
I think my face looked 10 times more horrible than kai's
Now. I haven't even begun to comfort him. My hand goes on
Leaning on his shoulder.
"So... Now what?"
"I'm considering it now."
"But you just broke up with jan a minute ago, don't tell me..."
"No, I didn't plan to pedal two boats at the same time,
That's what you're thinking. I couldn't go out with her in the past.
But now I can."
"I have to leave now. I need to start a new love. Let me
See you tomorrow! Remember to bring me some delicious noodles
Snapshots of your mom, I love you... "
"Wait a minute, damn kai, bastard!"
They left me behind again, as always.
I can't remember how many times he left me like that. since
I started my secret love for him about 2 years ago, not a single
Turn around to look at me. Maybe because I've never told him
That I'm in love with him? I can only secretly feed the
Numb pain that cuts through my heart.
Tomorrow, there will be someone new girl on his bike.
Tomorrow, I will be the one who keeps bringing his favorite food.
He will never know how sorry I am for him.
The secret of today will remain a secret tomorrow. If I don't want to
Lose him, then I can only remain silent and continue
Loving him in secret. There's nothing I can do now,
Except drag my feet to catch my stroll.
Every time I feel sad, I rush back to my
Room. I play some sad love songs and enter the
Bath to take a cold shower. Although I'm not gonna cry, it hurtsThe heart. I put my hand on the wall and use the other to
Turn on the shower. Like an mv...
"Shit! No water!!
It ruins my mood.
I quickly take a bottle of mineral water from the fridge and
I pour on my head.
Damn kai, do you know how many bottles of mineral water I
Wasted? This is not environmentally friendly in

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