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The process of selecting actors has gone a long way at first. Posters can be found to recruit
Actors throughout the school. Students with free time
Will have to help after school, no one can
Escape. I also took the opportunity to get away from my
Friends and date with p 'cent.

After one day it became two, and after two days it
Became three. I haven't seen my friends for a long time
At most, we greet each other in class. Within a few
Days, will begin the selection of actors. Every day I go out
With p 'cent and I see him checking the progress of several

Today we are checking the stage floor.

Although the stage is done by a professional, still
We need to do some tweaking ourselves as
Our budget is limited.

"That part is still wet. Third, put your feet away." I looked at the
Classmate who yelled at me in anger.

"Come here, not the verses." P 'cent nodded to me with the
And asked me to stand aside,
World painting fervently.

"It's pretty good," I told him.

"Yes, when mapwine came to see it, her jaw fell off."
Mapmapas is his girlfriend.

She's one of the prettiest girls in college. All the
Male students fall in love with her. I don't know why
SHe chose him.

"How long have you been together?"

"Three years."

"How did you meet? To be honest, I can't understand why she wants to be with a jerk like you."

"Hit yourself according to the number of your age! Now!
Immediately!" I shut up quickly. You can't blame me.
Everyone is wondering why they're together, or if they've used
Some black magic.

"I know what you're thinking, but I didn't drugged her either."

"Oh, how did you guess? So clever."

"I was in love with her for a long time, but I didn't dare to approach her. There were too many people going after her

And the queue was so long that it could reach another enclosure. And also my
Look and my body..."

"Why did she choose you in the end?"

"Because I am very good." I feel like giving him a couple of
Kicks, this is not a very helpful tip.
"I keep giving and don't ask for anything back in return. To me
I occupied it from a distance. It takes time to establish a relationship
Between people. Love is no exception. When you
Run out of time, if she loves me, she will love me. But if she doesn't
Love, means time doesn't matter at all."
"So does it depend on the circumstances?"
"Er, is there anyone you like?"
"..." I don't know how to answer, but I haven't refuted it.

"If there is, then you should wait for the person to love you.
If That person doesn't love you at all, you shouldn't wait. It is a
Waste of time."
"How do I know how long I should wait or when I should leave?"
"It depends on this." The old man pointed his finger at his head.
"Brain, idiot!"
"Sorry, sorry."
"The human body has its own instinct to protect itself.
Different people have different levels of tolerance and
They can endure varying degrees of pain. The sadness caused
Waiting for someone will create pain for the brain. If you can
Resist it, then move on. But if you can't bear it,

It means you have exceeded the tolerance level. You would know how much
Wait and when to go."
"But why do we have to use our brain?
shouldn't We  listen to our heart when we take
"Let's say that if you're targeted by a gun, your brain will order you to escape immediately. But your heart only will speed up your blood flow. If your feet don't move, you could
"The brain allows you to 'live' in the face of pain, while the heart
It can only make you 'know' more about pain."
"Which is more miserable? It's not enough to love someone
With the heart. You have to think about protecting yourself with your brain."

He patted me on the shoulder and walked away to make his
Checks on the progress of work.
I know why p 'mapmas chose a man like him.
Sometimes all we need is a strong person who's
Able to protect, a person who is strong both physically and
Kai has been missing since last Thursday. Sent a message
To the group that said it had some personal issues . Since then, he has not attended any class and has not
Contacted with no one.
I looked at all the possibilities with bone and too. We think
He probably took a break with his girlfriend.
But he still didn't show up on Monday, and we didn't know if he was alive or
Dead. We had to call him home. His mother answered the
Phone and said her baby was on vacation.
I still didn't see him on Tuesday. After finishing my job at the
Department, I went home with the script for the audition of the
Tomorrow's actors. Am I worried about the disappearance of

Kai? Yes, I am. But when I think he's
Having fun with his girlfriend now, I don't feel much.
I've gotten stronger since I learned to use my brain in
Place of my heart. I must thank p 'cent for his advice.
I lay on the bed. I was too tired from work
Lately. I didn't know when I'd fallen asleep. When I woke up, it was all dark as there were no lights on
In the room. I sat down and walked to turn on the lights.
"Shit!" I saw a shadow on the study chair.
I thought it was a ghost.
"Why... Why are you here?" I asked him horribly.
The more I saw his face without expression, the
Heart. Could this be your spirit?

"I'm not dead yet, why are you so scared?" The person
In front of me he answered simply. He took a piece of paper,
That was my script.
"That's my script."
"Did you create the main character?"
"No, it's p 'cent. Don't change the subject. How did you get into my
Room?" I went back to bed and sat down slowly, trying to
Keep calm.
"Too let me in." That bastard! I gave him the key to the no to
Give it to others!
"Where have you been lately?"
"I did a search for my soul."

"..." I said nothing, waiting for the big man to finish.
"Third, how long has it been since we had a talk of
Heart to heart?" I do not understand your intention for this question.
Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's bad. I can't see through it
And I cannot take his words seriously.
"I don't know, I can't remember."
"Since I introduced you to prao, haven't I?"
"No, it's not. We're just busy with our own
"Third... Now I..."

"I'm done with it..."
After he said this, I was astonished. I couldn't see
No sadness on his face. I don't know what to do. Normally I
I stand up and pat him on the shoulder and tell him
It doesn't matter, but this time I sat motionless.
"Why so suddenly?" She is clearly perfect for him
More than anyone.
"I just know I'm an idiot."
You should have known you're an idiot. But I didn't tell you what
I thought. I didn't want to hurt your feelings.
"Is there anyone new?"
"No, there isn't." For kai, the reason for breaking up is or having a
New love or getting bored with the old.

"I used women as toys. I just wanted to sleep with
Them" He confessed and looked at me.
"Go ahead, I hear you."
"I get bored easily. I want to try more, but without conditions.
You know, I may have slept with many, but they are
Just strangers to me?"
"That's because you're a womanizer."
"Yes." The room was silent again, and none of us talked until suddenly he said, "hey! This line is very
Good, I like it."
"It's too corny, isn't it?"
"Is it written for you?"

"Can I read it out loud?"
He picked up the script and read it word for word.
"I was born with a face and a body like this,
Able to make many changes for you. I don't have much money, and
I can't buy anything expensive for you, but I'll be kind to you."
"I'm not a genius, I may even be a little stupid, but
I'll do everything I can to take care of you."
These sentences are written from the depths of my heart. only
I can say them through the protagonist.

"Kai, I think..."
"Do you think so? No matter how many people have passed through my life,
I can always see that 'you' are waiting for me in the same
Has changed the pronouns and the meaning of the phrase has
Completely different from the original.
Original: can you believe it? No matter how many people have passed
For your life, you can always see that I'm waiting for you in the
Same place.
The word "wait" suddenly became something very
I'm kai's friend. I don't know if he said it with a more
Or if he just tried to change this sentence.

But right now, right here...
We... We can't take our eyes off

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