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"I can be any character at your side, although I was never
In your script..."
We have been friends for a long time, 2 years, 4 months and 16
Days. This is really quite long... Enough to see
Another gay friend of mine breaks up with his boyfriends several times. Kai and
I... We don't even approach the term "boyfriends."
It's so sad to think about it. My tears began to fill my
Eyes. I ran back into the room to find another bottle of
Mineral water to compliment me. After two bottles of water,
I'm still depressed. I must do something. I decided to make a
"Hello sir ... The shower doesn't work again. Please,
Come repair it for me."
"... "
"I'm upset. I desperately need a shower
Kill me."
"... "
"Sir, please come quickly. I'll hear some music
First." I finished the call and went to bed enraged. my
Bed will be wet from all these unstoppable tears...
Damn kai will be with a new girl today. Ask me if
The heart hurts. I would lie to myself if I said no. the
Time has not stopped me from loving him
I've told myself many times that I have to stop. stop
Loving him. Flee! Go to America or somewhere! The cruel fact is
That I haven't completed my studies yet
If I disappear from his life now, I may miss it. until
So, I have to go to class every day at 8 o 'clock.
Tomorrow. Damn it!
What if we change course? What can I do...?
What if I try to love someone new? In this way,
Maybe I will forget kai. But I haven't succeeded with this
When I decided to participate in some activities , I soon realized that anyone
Whatever activity you have chosen, there will be kai. See a
Movie? Would be sitting next to me. Do we eat anything?
We share the same favorite restaurant. Have a drink? the
Mr Kai will always be at the table 18, and of course I
You will be find in...
Table 18.
I really hate this guy!
That's my situation right now. Every time I see him with another
Girl, it's as if a sharp needle pierces me without mercy
, again and again.
I really hate you "best friend ". Because we can't do anything
About it. This is a special term for children.
Especially kai. If I  could tattoo these words in my
Face , I would. No one can change the status of best friend
Regardless of whether he is a friend or a lover, or
Whether it is a friend or an enemy.
We're both from the faculty of art. We have many good
Friends in college because we need to work as a team to
Many projects. Especially for end of life activities
Year, can be so overwhelming.
I picked up the phone that was  on my bed and threw it back.
No, I won't read the messages. I'll just wait for the
Repair of my shower, then I can turn on my sad
Songs of love to relieve my aching heart.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
I'm gonna sing, just singing out loud
"Hiding my emotions, throwing history away
Keeping my strength to love someone and love me
The same.
Instead of crying.
A minute has passed, the technician has not arrived...
Taking back my heart, taking back my love
Recovering the efforts and all the fantasies
Taking it all away, no more waste of my love."
It's been 5 minutes. I've heard this song twice.
"I must not follow my heart, he will never love me,No matter how much I love him.
Let it go, better let it go.
Slowly it will pass
And slowly the heart will change
And one day there will be an ido
Although feelings have not changed
Even though I still miss it in every breath. "
It's already 15 minutes. I can't stand it anymore! I picked up the phone
From the bed and pressed "home". Whatever is going to happen,
It will pass.
No wonder the conversation was about kai.
Tatt'oo: he's chasing his skirts, long enough to
Get these girls.
Bonechone: looking for love? Please add me. 555555
Then I saw the main character responding to the message.
K.khunpol: what the hell? I don't persecute them, they
They chase me.
Tatt'oo: let me guess, are you single again? Little thrid,
Please take care of your dear...
I can only say...
Thirdmeans3: this is not my issue.
I don't give a damn if you're seeing someone, I'm not your boyfriend.
Though I would hope so and even that someday
Confess my love for you in this chat group. I have been
Wishing this in the last two years. I bet my turn
It will come when I am rotting in my grave.
K.khunpol: of course it's your business, you were there for
Me when I had no one. You will always be my most important
Thirdmeans3: don't talk nonsense, when you didn't have anyone? no
I have dementia, you know?
Tatt'oo: 5555555555
The conversation ended. I'll never forget how you left me for
Another girl today. I have swallowed my own hurts and
Open wounds. How many times has this happened already?
The messages on line have just ended and now the phone is
Sonando. I frowned while checking who was calling. noone other than my dear friend. Cursed be you!
It is strange that i could not reject it. I wonder if
Knowing some kind of black magic. His voice, his laughter, are so
For men and women, young and old, and for
"What's the matter?" I asked him curtly. I must not be too kind,
Or he'll get away with it again.
Are you free? Let's go somewhere.
"What's wrong with you? I thought you were starting your
New love with nong milk accounting."
"Yes, but I feel that something is wrong."
"What's the matter?"
I'm not quite sure, but I've invited her out. I was
Thinking you might be able to join us.
"Why should I? My shower doesn't work."
I finished the call quickly, I had to hang up before
He'll ask me more. My heart is already suffering so much,
I would be in my right mind to go see my loved one flirting
With another. Such a cheesy complot can only be found in an mv, bastard!
Isn't true love about being possessive? What a curse!
If love is not about being part of someone's life, that's not love. It is someone who pretends to love. Or you're lying to yourself
Myself, like me...
Whenever kai fell out of love, I comforted him. little
Then he would introduce me to his new girlfriend. That's the moment
That I'll be raising my head high but crying in my
I am stuck in this situation again and again. I thought
  I should love someone else instead. But it doesn't work
Because I am faithful to my heart. And my heart belongs to kai.
If I can forget kai, I'd be happier... I shouldn't hang up
The same tree.
"I can be any character at your side, although I was never
In your script... "
Changed to a new song, forget it all. Tomorrow, I will follow
Being the generous, cool, and non-sticky third.

Theory Of LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora