Chapter 80-Resurected

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"Damn it." Xavier complained.

Galpin got a call "Quiet!" He told Xavier. "Santiago, what's up?"

"Sir, we got a situation. Eugene Ottinger's mom just called, frantic. Something's going on at Nevermore." She told him.

"Get a couple cars over there ASAP." The Sheriff instructed.

"That's just it, I can't. The tires on the squad cars have been slashed. Every damn one."

"All right, I'm on my way." The Sheriff quickly changed direction and stuck the siren on.
——————————————————Laurel began chanting invocation in Latin and a power hit the Coffin.

Crackstone appeared in front of Laurel but his face was a melted and stiff.

Laurel gazed longingly at Crackstone "I am of your blood. I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all."

Laurel gasped as Joseph Crackstone looked at her and spoke.
"My vengeance will be swift and true."

"As will mine." Monday said

Crackstone looked at her astonished before he glared "Goody Addams. You haunt me still. You will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me." He walked towards her. "Now burn in the eternal fires of hell." He stabbed her with a blade.

Monday gasped in pain as he then twisted the blade she grunted as she hit the ground in pain.

"Where you belong." He added slowly.

Laurel smiled sinisterly "Sweet dreams, Monday!"

Laurel and Crackstone left Monday alone where she panted with the effort to stay awake.


"I can't believe you're in a secret society and you didn't tell me." Enid said to Ajax.

"Because, you know, it's secret." Ajax said guiltily.

Enid looked at the Nightshades "Bianca, Davina... and Kent?Seriously, even Kent is here? How exclusive is this club?"

"So, what's the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?" Bianca asked.

"She murdered Weems and then took Monday and Wednesday to Crackstone's crypt." Enid explained.

"We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it's too late."

Ajax looked scared when he saw the picture "This is what's coming."

Kent asked "So do we pull the fire alarms?"

"We don't want to cause a panic and alert Tyler or Thornhill." Enid said.

"So how do we get everyone out?" Kent asked.

"We'll use our siren song to convince them." Bianca said pulling her amulet off.

"Thing and I will go look for Wednesday." Enid said.

"Okay, Nightshades forever." The Nightshades said and they all snap in unison.

"Seriously, a secret snap too?" Enid whined.

"Monday" a voice called to her.

"Are you here to take me to the other side?" Monday asked.

"Listen," Goody instructed "Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart. It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever."

"Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying."

"Your necklace. It is a powerful talisman." Goody explained.

"My mother told me it's for conjuring visions."

"It is also a conduit for conjuring spirits. It will allow me to pass through you and heal you. Just know, once I do, you will never see me again. The school needs you, Monday."

Monday nodded and pulled the blade out. Goody passed through her and all the wounds healed.


Xavier asked "Why're we stopping in the middle of the woods? You tracking your little monster?"

"You shut it." The Sheiff said getting out of his car.

"Hey, wait. Wait! Hey! What about me? What..." Xavier yelled.

"Oh, you asshоlе!"


"Come on, let's move quickly and calmly, all right?" Bianca instructed using her siren song.

"Good job! Let's keep moving."

A teacher walked up to Bianca "Bianca! What the hell's going on?"

She used her siren voice "Danger is on its way. No time to delay."

The teacher began to yell to the students as well "Follow me. Come on, faster."


"Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! It's happening! Thing, I'm wolfing out!" Enid said gasping for breath as her bones and flesh rearranged itself.

Enid let out a keening howl which echoed through the woods.


Tyler walked over to Monday menacingly "Laurel said you were dead."

"I'm feeling much better now." Monday said.

"You're like a cockroach." Tyler seethed.

"Please, flattery will get you nowhere." Monday told him "save it for Wednesday, if you ever get to see her again."

"This will not end well for you." Tyler said as he slowly began to change into the Hyde.

Enid appeared in wolf form and Monday smiled. Enid attacked the Hyde.

"Enid? Enid! I need to get back to the school." Monday said before running off.


"I can't tell you how I've longed for this moment, what it means for my family." Laurel said proudly.

"Silence, woman!" Crackstone said having heard enough of Laurels voice "Be gone, or I will cut thy tongue from thy wretched mouth!" Crackstone threatened.

"Never meet your heroes" Laurel muttered walking away frustratedly.

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