Chapter 2-Roomates

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"Wednesday and Monday are certainly unique names" the principal commented. "I'm guessing one of them is the day you two were born?"

Monday kept a straight face but chuckled internally "We were born on Friday the 13th" she explained

"Their names come from two lines from my favourite nursery rhyme "Mondays child is fair of face, Wednesdays child is full of woe" Morticia explained.

"You always had such a unique perspective on the world Morticia" The headmistress said. "Did your mother tell you that we were roommates back in the day"

"And you graduated with your sanity intact?" Wednesday asked

"Impressive" Monday remarked.

The principal did not look impressed but carried on speaking with a smile "You've definitely both had an interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years"

"They've not built one strong enough to hold us" Monday said with a smirk.

"I bet this place won't be any different" Monday said to Wednesday

"What our daughters are trying to say is that they greatly appreciate the opportunity" Morticia said with a fake smile.

"Nevermore doesn't normally accept students mid-term but given Mondays and Wednesdays perfect grades, and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception."

"Larissa" Morticia asked "What about their um... therapy sessions. The court ordered them"

"Hmm. The school has a real stop ship with a therapist in Jericho. They can meet twice a week"

"Did you hear that, my little storm clouds" Gomez told his daughters "You're in excellent hands"

"We'll see if they survive the first session" Monday said smirking.

"I've assigned you to your mothers old dorm. Ophelia Hall" The headmistress told the Addams.

Monday and Wednesday looked at each other the same devious plan forming in their brains.

"Refresh our memory" Wednesday said.

"Ophelias the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct"

"As there is two girls and we could not find any other dorms on short notice Monday and Wednesday will be sharing with another girl." The headmistress said addressing their parents before turning to the girls "Should we go meet your new roommate?"
The group walked up a few staircases and came to a room at the top of the school. They opened the door and Morticia gasped.

"It's so... vivid" she said gesturing to the room which was so full of colour it would have made anyone sick.

There was a girl stood in the middle of the room smiling. She had short blonde hair and was wearing a blue and black pinstripe uniform.
"Howdy roomys" the colourful girl said.

"Monday, Wednesday this is Enid Sinclair" the principal introduced.

"Are you both feeling okay?" Enid asked. "You look a little pale"

"Wednesday and Monday always look half-dead" Morticia told the girl.

"Oh" Enid said "Welcome to Ophelia hall" she said going to hug the girls. The two backed up in sync and looked mortified. "Not huggers. Got it"

"Please excuse Monday and Wednesday. They're allergic to colour" Morticia told Enid.

"Oh wow. What happens to you?" Enid asked curiously.

"Well we break out in hives" Wednesday started. "And then the flesh peels off our bones" Monday finished.

"Luckily we've specially ordered your uniforms. Enid, please take the girls to the registrars office to pick it up along with their schedules, and give them a tour on the way" The Headmistress told Enid.

The Adventures of Monday Addams and Wednesday AddamsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora