Chapter 63-Monster at the Gates Mansion

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"Here they are. The Gates family." Wednesday said looking at the portrait.

"They scrub up well for psychopaths." Monday remarked.

"There's Garrett, his outcast-hating father, Ansel, and you must be Laurel."

"They're all long gone. So the question is, why did Goody lead us here?" Monday asked confused.

"Seen enough?" Tyler asked Wednesday.

The Addams girls saw a library and began pulling at books to see if there was a secret passage.

Enid whimpers uncomfortably as a bookcase slid away and revealed an altar with a painting of Joseph Crackstone.

"Who doesn't have a spooky built-in altar in their family library?" She asked sarcastically.

"Ours is in the living room. More seating for year-long Dia de los Muertos." Wednesday said walking around curiously.

Enid whimpered again.

Monday felt the candle and shuddered "They're still warm." She told them.

Enid whimpered again.
"Tyler, you and Monday check the rest of the ground floor. Enid and I will search upstairs."

Enid looked at Wednesday "We will?"

Tyler and Monday walked off to continue to explore the ground floor.

"You check out the living room I'll check out the kitchen." Monday suggested Tyler agreed and the two went separate ways.


"All right, you go left, I go right." Wednesday instructed upstairs.

"You seriously want to split up? In here? That is literally how every best friend dies in a horror movie." Enid shouted in a whisper.

"The faster we search, the sooner you can leave." Wednesday told her.

Enid muttered fearfully. Her voice shaking as she trembled.
"Why am I even here?" She asked herself "I know what my mom would say. "Enid, you're a doormat." "You're too needy." "Show some teeth. Nobody likes a desperate little furball." Shut up, Mom. Get out of my head!"

Enid walked into a child's room. "Wednesday," she called "you need to see this."

The bed's made. No dust or cobwebs..." Enid trailed off in fear.

""LG?" Laurel Gates. Looks like somebody moved back into their old room." Wednesday said studying the music box before putting it in her bag.

"It's not possible. She died 25 years ago, drowned overseas."Enid said to herself.

Enid and Wednesday heard an object shattering downstairs.

"Let's go." Wednesday said.

"This is officially the worst girls' night out ever!"


Monday came running up the stairs "Guys! Get out! It's here!"

The beasts claws began slashing. And Tyler screamed.

"The dumbwaiter." Enid said.

"Go!" Monday yelled as the monster snarled and gave chase after the girls.

The girls climbed into a serving elevator. And just managed to close it before the beast but at them.

Enid screamed "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God."

"No, not your snood!" Enid pleaded as Wednesday wrapped it around the door to stop the beast from opening it.

"Stop." Monday said quietly.

The creature continued growling and began to scratch at the elevator.

"Oh my God." Enid screamed as they heard rope stretching and fraying until it snapped and the three came tumbling to the basement with a crash.

The girls began to look for a way out. They saw an open window big enough to climb out of.

Enid went first then Monday. They could hear the deafening footsteps of the monster.

"What are you doing?" Monday asked her sister as she noticed Wednesday looking at the shelf.

"These are the body parts from the monster's victims." Wednesday told her.

"Come on." Enid and Monday yelled noticing the beast was getting closer.

The girls snapped the window shut the moment Wednesday was out."You okay?" Wednesday asked.

"Since when do you care?" Enid said huffing and stomping away.

"Wednesday, what the hell are you thinking?" Monday asked worried that something terrible could have happened.

Wednesday ignored her "We have to go back for Tyler!"

Enid looked shocked "The monster's there!" She said.


They found Tyler leaning against a wall and breathing heavily.

"Enid, hold this." Wednesday commanded.

"That thing is still inside!" Enid reminded them.

Suddenly Xavier came out on nowhere "You're hurt." He said as he saw Tyler "Can you walk?"

Wednesday eyes Xavier "Where'd you come from?" She asked.

Xavier ignored her and handed Tyler a cloth "Here. Take this"

"What happened to him?" He asked Monday only trusting her at the moment.

Tyler winced softly "Thanks, Doc." He commented.

Enid breathed in deeply "Not to make this about me, but I am having a full-blown panic attack now." Monday stood up and patted Enid on the back to try and help.

"We need to get back before Weems realizes we've been gone." Monday told Wednesday


"What the hell happened? This was you, wasn't it?" The Sheriff said yelling at the Addams girls.

"Wait, Dad, please. I'm okay." Tyler tried to console his father.

"Sheriff, I understand you're upset, but I think you need to see something." Monday pleaded and led him down to the basement where they had seen all the body parts but it was all gone.

"It was all here. The... The... The body parts and the blue Cadillac, the altar, and the bedroom filled with fresh roses." Wednesday said shocked.

"Yeah, well, it's all gone now." The sheriff said looking at the now empty basement.

"Somebody cleared this place out after we left." Monday told him "Listen, yesterday we told you all signs pointed to this house, and we were right."

"That's your justification for almost getting my son ,your friends and your sister killed? Huh? Now, you listen to me. From this point forward, you are forbidden from seeing Tyler, and you are forbidden from pursuing anything to do with this case, understood?" The Sheriff told them.

The girl nodded solemnly.

The Adventures of Monday Addams and Wednesday AddamsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang