Chapter 12-The Harvest Festival

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"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked after becoming rather attached to her roommates.

"Well, good luck and safe travels." Enid went to hug the girls but they just backed away "Still not a hugger. Got it."


"Dad, I didn't know they were gonna be here. I trust that I can handle myself." Tyler told his father.

The sherif scrutinised the boy "I don't want you talking to them. I want you home by 12:00."

"1:00." Tyler debated.

"12:30." The sherif said and walked off.

Monday, Wednesday decided to play a game. Monday threw another dart and popped a ballon.

Xavier came from the corner. "Jeez, you get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack."

Wednesday looked at Xavier "Pandas don't travel in packs." She told him "They prefer solitude or in pairs."

"All right" Xavier said holding his hand up in defeat. "Subtle hint taken."

"You should know we're waiting for someone."

"Oh yeah, who's the lucky guy... or girl?" Xavier said in disbelief.

"What does it matter to you?" Monday asked with a grin.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." Xavier said.

"You're not." Monday said.

Tyler came running around the corner "This is gonna be trickier than I thought. Dad hit me with a curfew. We need to go if I'm gonna make it back in time. I've got some dead weight I need to lose first. Meet me behind the parking lot when the fireworks start."

Wednesday tapped Mondays shoulder and gestured to Principal Weems.

Monday went to the man running the stall "You see that sad, lonely woman over there? She needs this pathetic validation more than I do. Would you mind distracting her?" . The girls made there was to the parking lot.

"Hey, before you leave, I wanted you to have this." He held out a case file which Wednesday snatched "It's your dad's police file from when he was at Nevermore. I think it's the reason my dad hates him."

"You okay?" Tyler asked looking at Monday.

"I'm not used to people engaging with me or Wednesday. Most see us coming and cross the street."

"You're not scary. You're just kinda... kooky."

"We prefer spooky."

"Now out train leaves in an hour." Wednesday said bringing Tyler from his daze. "We're burning moonlight."

"Uh, right, right." They began to walk when Monday noticed the three boys from the cafe holding baseball bats and walking towards them.

"Hey. Come on, Monday, Wednesday! We can lose them in the crowd." Tyler said

They began to run and Wednesday ran into Rowan. "Oh, whoa!"

The girls saw a dark vision ,blood and a body ,secrecy and a library.

"Sh¡t. Monday, we need to go. Wednesday, come on. Wednesday!"

Wednesday ran after Tyler while Monday ran after Rowan.

"Rowan, come back! Rowan, wait!" Monday yelled chasing after him.

"What do you want? Why are you following me?" Rowan asked edgily.

"I don't have time to explain, but you're in danger." Monday said a bit out of breath.

Rowan didn't look at her instead he chuckled darkly.

"I think you've got it backwards." He used his telekinetic abilities to pin Monday to a tree. "You're the one who's in danger."

"What are you doing?" Monday asked gasping for breath.

"Saving everyone from you. I have to kill you."

Monday pieces it together "The gargoyle, that was you?"


"It's always the quiet ones" Monday said with a sigh.

Riwan pulled out a drawing "Girl in the picture. That's you."

"You want to kill me because of some picture?" Monday asked in disbelief.

Rowan looked annoyed "My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore. She was a powerful Seer. Told me about it before she died."

"Rowan, put me down." Monday said calmly.

"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore, because she will destroy the school and everyone in it."

"Rowan. Rowan." Monday was in a frenzy now. She began to panic she had no air and felt like she was going to die.

A beast came out of nowhere and attacked Rowan. It tore into him. The last thing Monday saw was the beast big eyes and hunched ways before she passed out.


"Hello, my little black clouds. So tell us darlings, how was your first week?"

Let's see. Monday narrowly avoided death twice, discovered that their father may be a murderer, learned that Monday could potentially destroy the school, and was mysteriously saved by a homicidal monster.

Monday and Wednesday looked at each other knowing they were thinking the same.

"As much as it pains us to admit it, you were right, Mother" Wednesday said.

"I think we're going to love it here."

The Adventures of Monday Addams and Wednesday AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now