Chapter 19-Discoveries

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Monday and Wednesday were walking through the Forrest when Tyler pulled them aside behind a tree.

Tyler looked at the girls "Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your scent."

"Thanks." Wednesday said "How'd you throw them off?"

Tyler looked to the ground "Uh..." he chuckled wryly "Coffee grounds? Deer-hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista."

"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." Monday asked quietly.

"He doesn't tell me sh¡t. You must think it's weird I'm stalking him." Tyler said.

"No, We consistently stalk our  parents." Monday told him casually.

"Hey, wait, what really happened the other night at the festival?" Wednesday flashed a glare at Tyler "Look, I swear I won't say anything to my dad."

"I thought Rowan was in danger. Turns out I was wrong. Then he proceeded to use his telekinesis to try and choke me to death." Monday explained quietly.

"Holy sh¡t. Wh... Why would he do that?" Tyler spluttered.

"No idea. That's when this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him."

Tyler was shocked "Whoa. Whoa. So... So you really saw it? And it didn't try to kill you?"

"It actually saved me from Rowan. That's the part I'm trying to figure out. I came here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that I haven't lost my mind"

"Yet." Wednesday added.

The group continued to walk until they found the area where the attack had happened.

Monday knelt down and clicked up a pair of glasses.

"These are Rowan's. I knew it was a cover-up." Monday said passing them to Wednesday.

Suddenly Mondays eyes went black and Wednesday had tossed her head back. Another vision was happening.

When the girls snapped out of it Wednesday began to speak again. "I keep seeing that same purple book."


The Addams girls were searching the library. This book was connected to the monster and they had to know why.

Monday pulled a book off deliberating. "The cover was darker. More like a day-old contusion.Keep looking."

The librarian Miss Thorn-hill came up to the girls "I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books." The lady chuckled "Most sneak in to make out. I accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging. I can't unsee that. Is there something I can help you find?"

"Have you seen this before? It's a watermark from a book I'm looking for." Monday asked.

"I think it's the symbol to an old student society. Um... The Nightshades." She said unsurely.

"Like the deadly flower. Color me intrigued." Wednesday said her brain setting in motion to work out what this mystery was.

The teacher added "I was told they disbanded years ago."

"Any idea why?" Wednesday asked curiously.

"Sorry. I was very impressed with your answers in class today." She told the girls.

"Our mother is a carnivorous plant aficionado. I assume we get our red thumb from her." Monday said with a small smile.

"Are you and your mother close?"

"Like three inmates sentenced to life on the same cell block." Wednesday said icily.

Miss Thorn-hill told them "I know it can't be easy... showing up mid-semester. I've been here a year and a half, and I still feel like an outsider"

"Because you're the only normie on the staff?" Miss Thorn-hill looked at them "Enid told us."

"To tell you the truth, I've never really fit in anywhere. Too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts. I thought Nevermore would be different, but there's still a handful of teachers who will barely acknowledge me."

"We act as if we don't care if people dislike us. Deep down... We secretly enjoy it." Wednesday said awkwardly.

"Never lose that, Wednesday and Monday."

"Lose what?" Monday asked.

Thorn-hill sighed "The ability to not let others define you. It's a gift."

"Doesn't always feel that way." Monday muttered.

"The most interesting plants grow in the shade." Thorn-hill explained "And if you ever need anyone to talk to, the door to the conservatory is always open." And with that she left.


Wednesday went to search some more while Monday went back to the dorm tired of searching.

"That purple book has got to be around here somewhere" Wednesday said breaking quietly into Rowan and Xaviers room.

She searched and remarked "Rowan's full of surprises."

Suddenly Xavier entered the room and Wednesday hid under the bed.

Just then some knocking started. The person knocked twice but Xavier didn't reply. The person knocked again.

Xavier stood up and marched to the door opening it. In walked Bianca.

"You're not supposed to be up here." Xavier said.

"Good to see you too."

"How'd you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?" Xavier said disgusted.

"Not while wearing this." Bianca said gesturing to her locket "Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once?"

Xavier sighed "What do you want, Bianca?"

"To see how you're doing. I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close." She said sincerely.

"Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?"

"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Monday. Isn't that why you've been following her like an eager-eyed puppy? Not that you've been able to properly since her weirder sister has always been there. Or is there something more?" She paused and sat on the bed next to Xavier.

"Seriously, what do you see in her? You have a thing for a tragic goth girls with funeral-parlor fashion sense?"

Xavier remarked "Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me."

Bianca stood back up "I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me. She treats you like crap, you can't get enough. Why are you fixated on Monday?"

"Because she thinks she's better than everyone else. I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch her werewolf roommate crumble. It's gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember." Bianca smirked maliciously.

"I hate to think what you've got planned." Xavier said.

"My game's already started. I like to win. Is that so wrong?"

"And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier asked.

"You used to love my killer instinct. We were good together, Xavier."

"Were we?" He asked "Is that just how you wanted me to feel?"

"Trust me, Monday Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She's the stuff of your nightmares."

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