Texas and Virginia 

70 3 6

Requested by Gamerluna44

TW: Panic attack


After going to a haunted house with California and Florida,Texas started to panic. Luckily his loving boyfriend Virginia was there" hey baby you OK can I touch you?"Virginia asked
Texas nodded his head " baby it's OK it wasn't real" Virginia said it was silent for a few minutes Texas just clinging to his boyfriends touch " they had chainsaws" Texas said, take a breath each word. Virginia just rubbed his back. " I know baby." Virginia said. Texas cried for a bit while Virginia lied there in their bed, rubbing his boyfriend's back
" it's OK it's over you don't have to ever go back." Virginia said.

The two states stayed like that for a while it was silent, and Texas had fallen asleep in Virginia's arms" get some rest baby you're safe. I love you." Virginia said as he kissed Texas is for head and went to sleep.

Sorry, this was short. I honestly didn't know what to do and this was based off of some thing I did that's the only thing I could think of.
And I was going to post this daring Halloween, but I didn't and I didn't even finish it then so sorry it's short

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