The almost disaster wedding

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This was made with atlas427 on Tumblr I had fun making it
I can't think of any trigger warnings besides alcohol but it's a wedding so


It was New York and Georgia's wedding.they're getting ready for the wedding. Florida is upset because he wasn't allowed to be a groomsman. New York prioritized his family and closest friends as groomsmen so others were left to be the audience
All the states were excited for the the wedding. Connecticut and Massachusetts were fighting over who was going to be New York's best man and then New York just chose California because California's New York's best friend. Most of the northeast are in the groomsmen party for New York's side. Georgia's groomsmen were The southern OG states. Florida gets demoted to the audience and he's not that happy, so he decides he'll get his revenge.

Maryland is the minister" we are gathered here today to bring these two people into holy matrimony " he says. The ceremony goes on as usual, they start to say their vows and New York gets anxious, like something is about to go wrong.

Georgia can see that that York is getting anxious and mouths *look at me everything's gonna be alright *
Maryland says" there is any reason why these two people should not be in married please speak now or forever hold your peace"
All is quiet for a moment, then Florida pops up from his seat saying "I object!" in the most dramatic voice he can muster. Everybody looks at him shocked. Gov and Louisiana are fighting him to get him to sit down. Georgia and New York look at him shocked and appalled.

Maryland speaks up "May I ask why?"
" because neither of them would let me be a groomsman and New York had The audacity to make California Best man instead of me, someone who knows a lot more about him than anyone in this room." Florida answers Maryland's question.

New York and Georgia look at Florida like he was crazy. "Really? You object to our marriage because you're not a groomsman?" York is pissed.

Florida has a chaotic smile and says" yes yes I did"

Everyone in the room groans and shakes their head at the chaos gremlin. New York looks at Florida more pissed than he has been in his entire life" Florida sit the FUCK down and let us get married"

Gov and Louis finally get to pull him down into his seat, allowing Maryland to continue the ceremony. " May I have the rings" Maryland says, Rhode Island is the ring bearer hands  Georgia and New York the rings.

The couple slides the rings onto each other's fingers.

" With  the power in the invested in me and State of New York I now pronounce you husband and husband you may kiss him your groom" Maryland says.
Georgia and New York kiss, the room erupts into applause and whistles (aside from a few not so tolerant states). They walk down the aisle hand in hand.

The crowd of people follow them into the reception. Some people (aka Gov) are still scolding Florida for his interruption too. Arizona is helping Gov but then he leaves so he can go give a speech at the reception.
they should have a microphone on the stage where people can give as many speeches as they want.
California gives that first speech as New York's best man and South Carolina is Georgia's best man gives a speech and then New York's brother and then whoever else wants to give a speech. whoever has the best speech wins a prize or something
The New York and Georgia have their first dance
They get to the bouquet toss at the end of the reception. I think it would be funny if Syracuse caught the bouquet just to give her dad a miniature heart attack." alright it's time to throat the 💐 "Georgia says

A few people gather in a group behind Georgia and he tosses the bouquet over his head. Syracuse catches it.New York's eyes widen. Everyone gasps and starts laughing at New York's overprotective dad reaction
" Sweetheart, you're not getting married for a long time." New York says, hugging his baby girl. Syracuse hugs back, "I know daddy, it's just a wedding tradition. Don't be so superstitious" Syracuse says.

''I know baby but that won't stop me from being over protective of you" York  says.

"I know" Syracuse giggles

Meanwhile Philadelphia and Albany are dancing. Most of the couples are either dancing or sitting down getting drunk.
New York and Georgia cut the cake. They eat the wedding cake first.
Everyone eats and has dinner

After the reception New York and Georgia get into the car and they go off on their honeymoon to Europe. why not what's more romantic in Europe.
The couple was off on their honeymoon and the rest of the country were at the hotel. Most states were drunk and needed help getting around Utah had his hands full but he had help from Illythia and Arizona Utah also got help from New York and George's cities/Kids. at least everyone had a good time, even with Florida's little hiccup.
Georgia and New York get back from their honeymoon. Somebody's in trouble and that someone's name is Florida.But they'll be gone for a few months so he's safe for now.
Until a few months later when they finally get back "we're home" The kids come running in to hug their dads
(Sidenote when the Georgia New York or away their cities stayed at the state house and gov didn't want to leave that area.)
While Ny and Geo say hello to everyone Louis is helping Florida hide.
" Where is Florida?" New York asked
" I know where he is* New Mexico says. Knowing where Florida was he snitch.He knows he's stronger than Florida so he knows he won't end up with stitches.

So it becomes a chase thru the statehouse until York finally tackles him "apologize for almost ruining my wedding" New York says pissed. "Heyyy New York! It's been a while! Listen dude I'm sorry I ruined your wedding but I don't think it came out all that bad! Everyone had a good time in the end!" Florida rushes through his words.
Georgia comes in" Now now honey I hate to say it but Florida is right everyone had a good time now please get off of him" Georgia says smiling at New York knowing New York is weak at the knees for Georgia's smile.

so Georgia tells New York to let go of Florida and because he's a simp, he listens and stands up, allowing Florida to move away from him
" fine I guess you're right" New York says admitting that his new husband was right
"Thank you hon" Georgia said thanking his husband.
" anytime love now can we please go to bed I have a feeling you and I are going to be super jetlagged" New York says yawning
"of course sweetheart, let's get to bed." Georgia said New York smiled at his husband and ask.
"Carrie me?"
"alright baby, i'll carry you up" Georgia picks up New York.So Georgia carries New York to their room.He lays down on the bed and cuddles up next to him

Meanwhile in the living room States are talking about how weird it is gonna be to adjust to two states being a married couple
several are dating each other, plus Utah has his wife and kids, but none had married each other.small adjustment but still have to get used to saying "husband" instead of "boyfriend" when referring to Georgia and New York to them.
the singles are excited to have a married couple in the house that they get to make fun of.

jokes galore (especially from certain neighboring states), but some couples even become inspired to get married themselves.

so for the next few nights or so New York and Georgia wake up around midnight because they think it's 7 AM their time and the western states are still up.
they spend the nights bonding with each other and occasionally hanging out with western states until they go to sleep.
Georgia New York look at each other New York says" I love being married again" Georgia places his hand on New York's cheek, "I love being married to you"
Georgia places his hand on New York's cheek, "I love being married to you"
New York cups Georgia's face and kisses him
Georgia kisses back and then as they pull away Georgia asks " are you thinking what I'm thinking😉"
Then they go back to their room and do you know what.

Question: Who do you think will win the best speech at Georgia and New York's wedding whoever wins gets a prize and it's open mic at a wedding

so who do you think would give the best speech.

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