Connecticut's break up with Ms. Connecticut Headcannons

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TW /I call Character a whore/depression mention of a heartbreaking break up and cheating.

So if you seen the Miss America Series TikTok then
Miss Connecticut just seems like a whore and that's the way I receive her as. I'm sorry but to me she seems like a whore.
And that's the way I see her and I'm not calling Sarah The W word
I'm calling the Character the W word

Maybe I'm crazy or maybe it's just the way I perceive that character to be
So I think she would cheat on Connecticut with Ms. Colorado

And when she broke up with him she did it over text he didn't know that she was cheating on him Until he was scrolling through his Instagram in the living room the four corners were in the room when he found out she was cheating on him for about a month or more he still wasn't 100% over her he wanted to try to get her back
But he had told Rhode Island to slap him if he tried to get her back.
Back to the cheating thing
He was scrolling through her Instagram and when he was scrolling through Marches pictures he noticed her and miss Colorado kissing in one photo he dropped his phone and left the room Utah picked it up and was immediately shocked he knew they only broke up a few weeks ago but this was from a month or so ago Utah showed his boyfriends and Colorado was beyond shocked.
New Mexico was ready to kill her and New Mexico took the phone and went to New York's room. To show him the picture New York was pissed and he called for Mass to get into the room.
" I told ya she was a whore nobody listens to me" New York said

Connecticut gets really depressed trying to figure out what he did wrong he really thought she was the one this time.
He stops taking care of himself starts drinking
His brothers try to help him but he's being distant
Nothings working to make Connecticut feel better

When Utah decides to have Colorado talk to Connecticut and see if that helps New York Taos Utah that Connecticut might be a little touchy around Colorado after wrong Ms. Colorado was the girl who his ex cheated on him with. Utah says he understands but it might help

Show Colorado talks to Connecticut it kind of works he smiles for the first time in weeks he's not ready to move on yet but at least he's no longer depressed and mopey he cleans up his act and stop drinking not for good but for a good while

Connecticut is slowly getting over her

Goodbye I hope you enjoy and have a nice day

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