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That's right I spell fuck with o
So because I have writers block
So here's some incorrect quotes because I need to put out contact


Utah: your future self is watching you right now through your memories

Nevada: not if I drink enough alcohol.Take that you praying creep.


New York:I know all about your diabolical plan

Florida: what diabolical plan

New York:* hold up a document that says "My Diabolical plan by Florida sunshine state"

Massachusetts: I once had a haircut I deeply regret.

Maine: Is it the one you have now?
Mass: No.


Maine: It should be.

Virginia: so who confessed first?
New York: *proud* I did

Geo: he threw a crumpled paper at me that said "I like you" then ran away like a 5th grader

New York: but it worked :)
New York: *throwing controller*: Dammit I lost again!
DJ: Do you want me to leave so you can say bad words?
New York:
New York: yes please
Oregon: Can I go ride my skateboard outside?

Virginia: Whatever, I'm not your father
Oregon: *runs off*

DJ: Dad, how do I get revenge?

Cali: The best revenge is living well and moving on!
DJ: Uncle Texas , how do I-

Texas: A Gun.

PA: Ah shit here he comes! Here comes that boy, that absolute bastard. Fuck there he is, that absolute madman.

Geo: Are you going to do this every time you feed Flo?[idk]
Geo: why are all my children wearing.. poofy hair bands around their wrist
Mass: opening the first aid kit]: WHY WOULD YOU FILL IT WITH CHEETOS?!
Florida, very concussed: It was funny at the time

Connie: We're lost.
NY: As in "Where the hell are we?"
Connie: We're not totally lost. We're still in Washington DC.
NY: You said this was a shortcut.
Connie: It is a shortcut! Look how fast we got lost!

Connie: It is a shortcut! Look how fast we got lost!———

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Bye bye

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