NYC gets turned into a baby

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I don't really know how he got turned into a baby, just someone turned him into a baby, probably Florida.

Anyways Albany came to the state house telling her dad it was an emergency and showing him baby NYC.  New York immediately took his son and remembered how hard it was to get him to go to sleep. Albany said he had it. He's been like this for a day and he won't go to sleep.
So New York is trying to get his son to go to sleep and wishing Rachel was still alive to help him. Georgia is also trying to help New York get NYC to go to sleep, nothing working. Eventually after at least two days of trying to get him to go to sleep no one in the state house is getting any sleep because he's crying.
Some states in the house are getting mad and cranky because they haven't slept in two days. Specifically New Mexico,New Mexico is pissed because he hasn't gotten to sleep in two days and neither has his boyfriend's and
Colorado is starting to get really cranky and tired.
Other states are trying to help as much as they can, especially the original 13 and the states that live near New York City and know when he was a baby it was impossible to get him to go to sleep.
" Come on NYC, please just go to sleep for daddy." New York says
He put NYC in the makeshift crib that Texas set up for him " you know what I'm just gonna let him cry it out."
But letting him cry out won't work so New York tries rocking him again but this time he goes to sleep. New Mexico and Colorado are sitting on the couch watching TV. New York walks in New Mexico growling at New York.New York puts NYC in the crib and sitting sound and lets out a sigh of relief.
New York looks like he could drop dead and fall asleep right on the couch right next he does actually he falls asleep right on top of New Mexico and Colorado. And they just let him sleep because no matter how mad New Mexico is at New York. He realize that New York is also super tired and is the parent of that child and lost the most sleep out of all of them so two states and just sit there letting New York sleep on top of Colorado hoping the baby doesn't wake up and ruin New York's few minutes of rest.

That's all

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