Florida's birthday incorrect quotes

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Florida: I saw a clown on the road earlier.
Arizona: Oh... wow.
Arizona: What was a mirror doing out there though?
Cali: Right, that's pretty much what I've been saying.
Let's just say Florida is in danger okay
Florida: I know you're meant to be protecting me and all that..... but is being in the same room while I sleep, really necessary?"

New York: Given the fact that their last attempt was when you were in the shower and I was only one room away, yes, it's necessary.
DC: I have figured out your plan!

Florida: Well, that just proves you're an idiot, because I don't have a plan!

Cali: happy birthday Florida

Florida: it's my birthday

Florida: I have a birthday!

New York: you didn't know you had a birthday

Arizona: I told Utah I would make dinner because he always does it but I have no idea how to cook.

Florida pouring milk directly into the cereal box: How would I be able to help?
Oregon: Here's your birthday card!
Florida opening it: Aw, thanks Oregon
Florida:Did you handwrite asdfghjkl ily?
Oregon: And I meant every word.

(I forgot Florida can't read oh well)
New York: Being gay isn't a choice.
New York holding Florida's hand like a trophy: It's a game and I'm winning!

Florida: Oh my god so many presents?! I didn't get you anything, Mr.York! Uh, let me swing to Delmar's, just a second-

New York: Kid it's your birthday- what do you mean "no"- HEY GET BACK HERE!!

Georgia: What should we get Florida for his birthday?

New York: therapy
Spain: happy birthday son
Florida: no I'm not your son but thanks* walking away sticking his middle finger up*

Happy birthday Florida


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