In the meantime

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OK so graduation is tomorrow and I'm in a rut with my ADHD
So request that I am currently working on I will get you I am also trying to get out the second chapter for Georgia X New York so yeah here's some incorrect quotes

New Jersey: So....this is where we part ways, huh?

South Carolina: Pfft, as if. There's no way you're getting rid of me that easily, especially not after seeing what you think counts as a healthy meal.


Florida: Hello, I don't believe we've met! I'm Florida.

NY: Unfortunately, I am very much aware.

Georgia: I'm so tired, I think I'm going to go to bed.

NY: You literally just got up.

Georgia: ....What's your point?


NY: I'm a Vampire.

Virginia: Yes, we've established that.... So?

NY: I quite literally only just finished warning you of my nature, ten minutes ago, and the first thing you do is invite me into your home! How could you be so foolish?!

Virginia: Do you intend to take advantage of my invite, to harm me?
NY: W-Well no, but-

Virginia: Then shut the fuck up and come inside.

New Jersey: Yo! What the fuck?! That could have hit me

New York: That was kinda the point."
Cali: what.... what's happening?

Montana: Shhh sweetie, don't worry, everything's going to be ok.... just.... keep your eyes closed for me, ok?


New Mexico: Take. It. Off.

Arizona: No

New Mexico: I'm serious, you have no idea what that thing can do, and you do not want to find out.


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