Once Found part one

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Hey all yes was created by me and my dear friend lostentity30326

This is gonna be multiple parts
trigger warnings include kidnapping lying.


California and Colorado get kidnapped and because I think the four corners would be together in this one
they have to tell New Mexico; Colorado in California got kidnapped by Cordelia, their sister.

The first to notice is Connie [CT] who was looking
for his boyfriend,
He checks California's room
And when nobody answers he goes in then
once he sees nobodys in there he goes
downstairs and asks Gov whos standing by
the coffee maker "Where did California and
Colorado go?"
Gov looks like Connecticut" they probably went
shopping together but I have no idea"
Gov looks like Connecticut" they probably went
shopping together but I have no idea"
"Ok then" he proceeds to call Coco
Colorado doesn't answer.

Ok so then Connie asks York first to see if
either would answer to him with no avail
then he tries to find Montana and once again
no answer so he starts getting really worried
and freaked out.
So once again he goes to Gov because no one knows
where California and Colorado are so they have a
Then during the meeting Montana is freaking
out with Connie, and York is internally while
Gov is trying his hardest to settle things down
"Ok we're all worried lets just calm down and
try to figure this out" [Gov]
Then Virginia remember something that happened
years ago" York, Connie, I'm gonna need you guys to
come. "Gov can me and the rest of the original 13 have
the meeting room we need to talk" Virginia says
"Yeah I guess as long as it's relevant" then he
turns back to the chaos as Texas and
Oklahoma begin speaking in Gun and Florida
watches while balancing the 'gator' [from Mrs. Bench] on the brim of his hat and the og 13 walk out to the
secluded back porch.
"Do you guys remember that one mishap with New
Mexico" Virginia says
Mass starts to get upset at the thought
and crosses his arms "unfortunately" he replies gruffly.
Anyways Virginia says " there's a possible chance
they got kidnapped I think we should tell New Mexico
about the incident he should know"

And then Maryland gets all anxious about it
and says "Ok if you think it's the right choice,
but just know there's a lot that could go
wrong with telling him although I guess it can
help out"
South Carolina says "How is telling him going to help?
How do you even know if it's Mexico who took them?"
Maryland says "Well there's a chance it could
be and either way it's still a process that we
can get everyone to help with and he'll find
out eventually"
"Yeah but I thought we were cool with Mexico well
except for the wall thing, why now if you kidnap them
it doesn't make sense. And maybe we should tell him
mean Mary's right." New York said
Mass- "Shut up but yeah I guess"
So they go back inside
They tell Gov and go to New Mex's room and
Mary sits next to him and holds his hand with
Virginia on the other side and everyone else
sits in a semi circle around him
And Mexico is nervous because he has no idea what is
going on and he's completely oblivious to the
situation, Virginia says "New Mexico we have
something we need to tell you"

New Mex looks around at all of them at
maryland for a long second then back at
Virginia and says "O-ok"
so Virginia " so back in the late 1800s Mexico
kidnapped you and the 13 of us got your back"
Virginia explained
"Why am I just now finding out about this?!" New Mex asked in an angry confusion
"Well the truth is we never wanted you to find
out but considering the circumstances in the chance
that Mexico pulls another kidnapping
We figured that you're going to find out eventually
and you know it's never the perfect time to tell
people news like this anytime" Maryland said
New Mex sighs and looks down with his eyes
closed trying to process everything and asks
"What happened?"
"It's a long story " Virginia says and then he explains
what happened and basically what happened is
Mexico kidnapped him well we've established that
and then Had New Mexico tied up to a chair in a barn
And the way that the 13 discover the who's missing is
they were doing territory roll call and they notice he was missing and by they I mean Jersey
And then New Mex is sitting there still
confused but also now crying and Mary and
the others are trying to console him
Gov comes into the room and said they found who
took Coco and Cali
they all look up in enticement waiting
to hear who it is until Rhode Island speaks up
and says "Who?"
"Their sister Cordelia I don't know how but
apparently they have a sister I mean I know how but I
don't know how this is possible" Gov.
"Well apparently she represented a part of California
that was supposed to be a different state when it
never became a state and somehow she survived all
these years and she hates her brothers and the
country"Gov exclaimed
"This sounds like if Texas had a secret twin"
Massachusetts said [Texas partitioning from
the country for a while 10 years]
"Not funny Mass well apparently California has a
secret twin once we find her then we'll find Colorado
and California "Gov said
" Gov Is there any chance that California might
have to kill his sister"
Rhode Island asked
"He could have to or someone else but lets
save that as a last resort" Gov replied

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