The engagement announcement New York X Georgia

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No trigger warnings

New York's POV

We arrived at the house. The kids came outside to see Georgia and I. we all hug and then we go inside to get settled. " it feels good to be home baby" Georgia says I nodded focusing on unpacking our stuff. set an only there was a knock on our door " i'll get it babe" I said to my fiancé who is laying in bed about to fall asleep.I open the door to Arizona and New Mexico there "Uh Hey you two, What do yous guys want?" I asked them Arizona looked at my hand and saw the ring on my finger. "Eeeeeeeeeeee YOUR  ENGAGED!!! WHEN WERE HOW?" he shouted as he is jumping up and down. New Mexico spoke up"Mi serpiente del desierto, cálmate, deja que Nueva York te explique." he said in Spanish with that Arizona try to calm down"Newie!! how can I calm down when New York and Georgia are engaged?!??"Ari asked " I know you're excited for Georgia and I are tired from our long trip in Greece will see you when we wake up." I said New Mexico Nodded understanding " Oh and New Mexico One more thing please don't tell anyone yet especially the kids." I told him "si, no le diré a nadie" he said in Spanish once again I understood and nodded." bye" I said as I close the door

I walked over to my bed and climbed in and fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

I woke up around 6 PM.
I was the first to wake up. I laid in bed watching Georgia sleep. He looks so cute when he's asleep' too bad I have to wake him up' I thought " hey sweetheart wake up" I say "hmmm nooooo two early" he whines  I smile. " babe its 6pm." I said I kissed him "Come on I'm sure we have some work to catch up on."I said he pouts "but I'm still tired." I said "I know sweetheart but we have a job to do. Baby please get up. Plus Gov is going to have a meeting with just the two of us so no Florida no other states just you and me." I said as I kissed his hands. he smiled at me" ok ok I am up"he said as he got up. we got out of bed. Got dress. did all the things to get ready for the evening. Then we left our room" so what do you want for food?" I asked him " just order some pizza." he said not happy that he's awake " don't be mad we can't just sleep until we're not jetlagged." i'm not mad I'm tired" he said I kiss his cheek." let's get you some coffee and then I'll order some pizza"I say

I order the pizza the way we both like it and brew some coffee for Geo. Then a few western states enter the kitchen" look who's finally up how was your trip" Utah said smiling. then I see NYC walk in" it was wonderful" I said putting my hand in my pockets trying to hide the ring I was hiding the ring because we're not ready to tell the world besides a few exceptions." hey Pops and Old man" NYC said
" Who is Pops in who's old man?" Colorado asked NYC rolls his eyes" my father is old man and Georgia is Pops" he said a bit annoyed " cool it and since when am I old man?" I said crossing my arms staring into my sons very soul if he has one. " since your birthday." he said with a smirk. I shook my head" fine you can call me old man because technically I am your old man" I said Then he walked out of the kitchen. when I heard the doorbell ring" that's our pizza." I said and then I went to get the pizza.
I looked at Georgia" want to eat in our room before the meeting?" I asked
"Yes " He said

We went to our room and we eat the pizza and watch some TV.

We finished our pizza and then we had to get ready for our meeting

We went to the meeting this meeting went smoother than the other meetings it ended at 10 PM we decided to hang out with some of the western states.I could tell Arizona couldn't keep the secret anymore. So we decided to tell them" guys we have an announcement" I look at Georgia he knew what I was doing. " In Greece we got engaged. I was the one who proposed to New York Honey show them the ring" Georgia said I pulled out my hand out of my pocket and turn off the ring. " wow you guys got engaged I really need to start paying attention more" Montana said " congratulations guys I know it does seem a little too soon don't you think I mean guys family been dating since for a few months and don't you guys think that you're moving little too fast?" Utah asked." no we've known each other for a very long time and the sides it doesn't matter at our ages." I said California decided to speak up" I for one I'm happy for you guys and New York if you wanna make me your best man I will do it." he said I smiled at him" I haven't really decided who's gonna be my best man yet considering we just got engaged a few days ago but Cal you're one of the options" I said California looked happy but also determined to become my best man " I for one I'm glad you guys are engaged I mean we get to have a married couple to make fun of." Colorado said

Everyone else had their chat to tell us what they thought about the engagement. we continue to hang out with the west until they went to sleep then Georgia and I decided to stay on the couch and stay up and cuddle and watch a movie

Time skip to the next evening
Georgia and I told everyone else in the house and our kids and everyone was excited Arizona suggested we have a party to celebrate our engagement we decided against it

Soon Georgia and I got back to our normal sleep schedule and we're no longer jet lagged.
We decided to start planning the wedding for April 14th 2023 that should give us enough time to plan a wedding.

The end


My Desert snake calm down let New York explain.

Yes I won't tell anyone.

Bye everyone

State house head cannons and one shot request are closedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora