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Jeremiah kept his promise. They spent all day in town, doing all kinds of things. They went to the swap meet and got matching bracelets, ate some really good tacos made from this very nice Mexican couple, and did a pottery class. There the girl made a beautiful vase while the boy attempted to make a nice bowl.

Emphasizes on attempted. Really the boy didn't care if his bowl was lopsided. All he wanted to do was make the girl smile. And he did exactly that.

Now they were both in his room, getting ready for bed. Briella didn't want to sleep in her shared room with Belly. And besides it wasn't abnormal for them to share a bed together. They did it all the time when they were younger. 

Jeremiah wanted to ask the girl about everything. Someone has too. He was ready to get his head chopped off. "Little Brie?" The girl hummed in response. "Are you ok? And don't give me a bullshit answer."

Briella sighed. She didn't realize how much she relied on pot until now. "No."

Jeremiah half-smiled with her honest answer. 1 step at a time. "You can tell me anything."

"I know."

"But I also don't want you to say anything you're not comfortable with."

Briella knew it was for the better. She needed to tell people. "It started last summer. Weed was just something I know would never leave me. I smoked maybe about 4-5 times a day. It was that bad."

"So then what made it better?"

"Well for starters I had my home team. My caretaker Mabel saw how bad it was and they made Friday game night. And she would make these really good chocolate chip cookies. And her paella, man you have to try it."

Jeremiah smiled. "Deal."

"Then volleyball season started so there wasn't much time I had to be alone. Besides, I would have been kicked off if they caught me. Weekly drug tests."

"Then we gotta play volleyball more."

Briella chuckled. "We made a good pair didn't we?"

Jeremiah nodded. "Indeed we did." The boy wanted to ask her something else. More like someone else. But he knew it wasn't the right time right now. She was still dealing with the aftermaths of her breakdown so the boy didn't want to ruin that. He will ask her another night.

But for now, as the two laid in bed, watching Friends, Briella was grateful to have someone like Jeremiah in her life.

Maybe in another world, she would date him. Of course she would date him. Jeremiah Fisher was the kindest boy ever. But unfortunately, her heart will always lie with his older brother. 

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