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There weren't enough seats laid out so Conrad pulled the girl on his lap. The girl wasn't complaining. His lap was a lot more comfortable than those beach chairs.

And Briella Swift was a bit tipsy. She had a few too many margaritas that were just too damn addicting.

"May I present the Belly Special." Belly said as she placed down the pitcher of the pomegranate margarita.

"Yummy." Briella said as she put her cup out for more which Conrad gladly poured for her.

"Uh we saved you the inflatable unicorn." Gigi said.

"Well thank you." Belly chuckled as she walked over to the unicorn.

"Tell me when." Conrad said.

"Full cup." Briella smiled. She was still aware of her surroundings but after another 5 cups of them, yeah she will have a bad headache the next morning.

"Hey guys." The girl turned around to see Jeremiah and Cameron. "Check out who I found."


Conrad offered the boy a drink which he declined. "Oh I'm good man. Thank you. I don't drink."

"Yes that's right. More for us." Briella chuckled and turned her attention back to Conrad only to see him trying to drink out of the girl's cup which she tried moving farther away from him. "Hey no. You have your own Connie."

"But I want yours." Conrad pouted. 

"Hey lovebirds, save some for the rest of us please." Jeremiah said.

"Ok wait wait wait. I have an idea. Let's have a race?" Belly said. Briella could tell her friend was way over her limit. There was no way she could handle another one. "I mean isn't that, isn't that the premise of like every drinking game?"

Briella chuckled at how innocent her friend was. Back home, Belly never wanted to go to parties with her and Taylor. She would rather stay home and Netflix than be at a party. This side of Belly, Briella didn't know if she liked or not. It was different, that's all she'll say. 

"You want to play a drinking game?" Gigi asked, surprised.

"Why not? I mean it's the Fourth of July right?"

And that's exactly what the group of friends did. They played various drinking games, danced, laughed, it was a great time, something Briella needed before she went back to the house to deal with her dad.

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