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Briella tried her best to put on a face when she walked into the dressing room. She was still upset with what happened the other night. But she knew it wasn't their fault. They were just looking out for their friend and Briella just got caught in the middle.

"Hey Brie." Nicole smiled at the girl as she sat down on the seat next to her.

"Nicole." The girl was still upset on what she did to her and her friends.

"You're still mad at you?" Briella shrugged as she put some product in her hair to curl it. "Look I didn't mean to drag you down but Belly deserved it. She hasn't been the best of friend to you after what she did to you and Conrad."

Briella nodded. She knew Nicole had a point. "I know."

"So why are you still upset?"

"Look Nicole. I know you didn't mean to do what you and maybe I should thank you for it, but t I'm not gonna throw away a friendship because of a guy. Belly and I have been through so much together. Conrad isn't worth losing my best friend over."

Nicole nodded as she smiled at the girl. "I admire how strong you are Brie. I could never do what you're doing right now. If I were you, Belly would have been long gone."

"Well I'm not you so."

"I know.' Nicole sighed. "I can see why he likes you." At first Nicole was jealous of Briella. I mean who wouldn't be? Just look at her. Her smile can brighten any one's day. She's tall and tone. Her tan is perfect. God this girl was flawless. If she were a guy, she would have the biggest crush on the girl.

Nicole knew of Briella from last summer when Conrad talked about her. And of course she hated her. Nicole liked Conrad and see him hung up over a girl he never dated, frustrated the girl. But once Nicole met the girl, she can see why Conrad liked her. Not only was she flawless, she had the biggest heart ever. She'll do anything for her friends. And for her to forgive Belly like that, really showed how much she valued friendship.

"Nicole..." Briella wasn't in the mood for this conversation.

"I know you don't want to here this right now. I'm sorry. I just... I'm sorry I was a bitch in the beginning. I guess I was just jealous of you."

Jealous? Briella has heard this twice now. Why were people jealous of her? She literally had a fucked up life. "Jealous? Why would you be jealous of me?"

"Well for starters, look at you. You're fucking gorgeous." Briella smiled when she heard Nicole say that. "And you would do anything for your friends. Even if they wronged you."

"Have you seen yourself Nicole? You absolutely stunning."

Nicole chuckled. "How about you leave Con for me? Yeah?" Nicole said causing the girl to laugh. Not a bad idea. "Look I know I haven't been the best deb big sister, but I really am sorry for what happened and what I did. Honest."

Briella sighed. She thought about it. It technically wasn't any of Nicole's fault. She was probably trying to help the girl out by finding out what happened between Conrad and Belly. So in some way, she's grateful that she did what she did.

"I know you are Nicole and I forgive you." Like the girl said, 2022 was a year of forgiveness. No more holding grudges.

"He loves you Brie. Whether he wants to admit it or not he does. Last summer he told me what a shitty person he was for everything he did. He regrets not being there for you when you needed him the most. You should see how his face lights up every time he sees you. Just give it some thought yeah?"

Briella nodded. "Thank for you what you did. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have found out about them."

Nicole smiled. "Maybe after this we can get some brunch?"

Briella nodded. "I'd like that."

"Good luck out there Brie. Whatever happens tonight, happens for a reason." With that the girl walked away.

This was definitely gonna be a night she won't forget.


i love nicole soooo much!! she better get a happy ending in season 2. if not i'm sueing 

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