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Conrad did not want to be here. He had things he wanted to do, places to be, but when it came to his mom, he couldn't say no. So here he was sitting at the deck as she painted him. The boy was trying his best to push what happened yesterday with a certain girl away. He's never really liked anyone as much as he did with Briella Swift.

She will always be his first love, whether she knows it or not, he didn't care. It's better like that. She didn't need to know how much his heart skips a beat every time he sees her. Or how much he wants to just kiss her. How much he wants to be inside her.

Briella Swift was his weakness. He would give up everything just to make her happy. And that scared the shit out of him. 

"So, how's Nicole?" Susannah asked her son.

"Mom can we not do this?" Conrad did not want to talk about Nicole, let alone to his mom. "Like no. Uh you asked me to come sit for this portrait and I'm here, and I'm sitting and I'm more than happy to be here, but can we not make this like a bonding experience, please?"

"Well excuse me for trying to connect with my son before he leaves for a year." Susannah said as she continued to paint in silence. "Briella looked really nice in her new dress."

"Did she now?" Conrad asked. He would pay millions to see what she looked like.

Susannah smiled. "You're not really good at hiding how much you care about her."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I always knew you two would get together."

"Mom we didn't get together. There is no Brie and me."

"I was saying you and Nicole but I guess I know where you stand with her."

Conrad sighed, a little upset he fell for her trap. What he felt for Briella was too real. Too real that if he were to lose her because of a stupid mistake he made, he wouldn't know how to function anymore. Nicole was safe. At least to him, if she left him, he would be ok if she did.

"Look if you want to spend your summer moping around, I can't stop you, but no more sleeping til 2:00, no more day drinking. I want you doing something productive. You're getting a job."

"Sure." Conrad said.

"Great. Now sit still. Sit up." Susannah smiled and a little surprised her son agreed with her without arguing.

Maybe mentioning Briella lightened up his mood.  

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