Chapter 129

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"I'm so fucking annoyed with you," I told my boyfriend.

He was staring out the window of my hospital room. "There are two squirrels chasing each other up and down a tree next to the parking lot. Think it's to mate or just for fun?"

I let out a frustrated groan. "Did you even hear what I just said?"

He looked over at me and grinned. "Yeah, I heard, but I chose to ignore you."

"You don't care that I'm mad?"

"I thought you were annoyed. They aren't the same thing."

"I'm both," I said with a huff.

Shawn walked over and sat next to me on the bed. "It's my birthday and I can celebrate it however I want, Lulu."

We'd been arguing about this for days. Before my medical emergency, plans had been made for his 25th birthday party to be held in a private room at one of Toronto's hottest restaurants, Canoe. He canceled the whole thing since I couldn't be there, and I was furious. There was no reason why he couldn't go out and have a fun night with his friends and family! I was content to hear all about it the next day and to look at the photos and vids people would undoubtedly take.

"But you lost your deposit," I said as tears formed in my eyes. My emotions were all over the place since my surgery.

"So what? It's only money."

I sniffled, "I don't like you inconveniencing or sacrificing yourself for my sake."

"You will never be an inconvenience, baby. Don't think that way! I know I could have kept my original plans, but I promise you I'm doing what I want and not something I feel obligated to do. Sitting with you and eating one of your dad's cakes is my idea of nirvana. I can drink and dance at a later date when you can be there with me."

"What kind of cake did you decide on?" Now that nothing life-threatening was pressing on my hypothalamus, my hunger had returned with a ferocity like I'd never experienced before. I wanted to eat anything and everything.

"Gluten-free carrot cake with cream cheese frosting."

I made a face. "Gluten-free?"

"Your dad told me he's been trying out recipes and he's perfected one. I know it's going to be amazing."

"I'm sure it will because he's a baking genius. Back to our original topic...will you at least do something small with your family and friends tonight after you leave here?" I asked.

"I'm having breakfast in Pickering tomorrow, and I told Brian that once you're fully recovered, we can do a guys' night."

"That's seven weeks from now!"

He shrugged. "I'm a patient man."

"Are you?"

"Considering I'm waiting two months to have sex with you when I already waited my entire European tour, I'd say yes."

"Two months is the maximum. Maybe if I recover quickly, I could get cleared sooner," I told him.

"Did you ask Dr. Morris about this?"

"Not specifically about sex but I brought up other physical activities. She explained that one issue is that my blood pressure is supposed to stay relatively stable until the recovery period is over, but so far I've been measuring on the low end, so she's optimistic. It was 115/68 this morning. The other factor is my skull. It needs to be pretty much healed before I can exert myself. The way I see it, you could do all the work at first and I'll lie back and enjoy it."

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