Chapter 110

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"Cheers to the new year!" Fallon said as she raised her mimosa.

"We're a week into it and it sucks so far, but whatevs," I replied glumly as I half heartedly raised my glass.

Briya reached for my free hand but didn't say anything, probably because I'd bitten her head off ten minutes earlier when she started to apologize for what happened in the hot tub.

"Let's try this again," Fallon said as she held up her flute a second time. "Cheers to us girls having brunch. May 2023 bring many more boozy Sunday mornings!"

This was the first time the three of us had gotten together in four weeks. They'd begged me to go out with them on New Year's Eve, but I couldn't do it. After the encounter at Shawn's condo, I'd sunk even deeper into my pit of despair and had isolated myself in my apartment.

"I'll drink to that." My smile wasn't even forced as I clinked their glasses, because being with my friends made me happy. "What are you ladies ordering?"

Briya answered right away. "The chicken and waffles."

"I'm getting the red velvet pancake," Fallon replied. "What about you?"

"I'm torn. Do I want the avocado toast or the steak and eggs?"

"Steak and eggs," they said in unison.

"My first instinct is to look at the vegetarian or gluten-free options since I got used to Shawn's way of life. I guess I can let go of that habit."

"Wanna talk about it?" Briya asked.

I shrugged. "What's there to say? I fucked up and I'm paying the price."

Our server came over and took our orders, and I opted for the carnivorous choice. I also requested The Morning After's signature unicorn latte.

"It isn't entirely your fault," Fallon said once we were alone again. "Shawn is not being completely reasonable."

"That's an understatement," Briya snapped. "I personally think he's behaving like a total dick!"

"He's not the only unreasonable one," I told them. "Maybe I should have taken his break suggestion instead of opting to end things."

"Breaks are bullshit," Fallon said emphatically. "I can see taking a day or two apart to think, but it's been at least three weeks since you two had your fight. How much thinking does he need to do?"

I hadn't told them about the recent heated encounter, but I felt I needed to in the name of transparency. "I saw him on Christmas."

"Get out!" Briya gasped.

I explained the credit card fiasco, which was pretty funny when shared as an anecdote. Then our server brought our food, so I had to wait before continuing. "He invited me in after the security guard left."

"Oh god. You took him up on the invite, didn't you?" Fallon asked.


"And?" Briya pried.

"And we fucked."

Both girls' eyes went as wide as saucers. Fallon swigged the rest of her mimosa and signaled to the server for another. "How do you feel about this now?"

"Horrible. The sex was great, but the aftermath was torture. We got into a huge fight and rehashed everything from the night we broke up."

"How did you leave things?" Bri asked.

"That's the worst part. I told him that if he eventually decided he wanted me back, it could be too late, implying I might move on. Then I essentially said could do whatever he wanted with other women, too."

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