Chapter 14

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"Fuck fuck fuck!" I screamed as I looked down at the toilet paper in my hand and saw a red streak. Of course this was how I started my morning. So much for getting into bed with Shawn tomorrow.

I used a period tracking app, but unfortunately my cycle was all over the place. Briya and Fallon frequently urged me to go on the pill, but unless I was having regular sex with the same partner, it didn't seem worth it. It's not like I'd go without condoms until I was in a committed monogamous relationship anyway.

By the time I sat down at my table to work, the cramps had kicked in. I popped some Advil and swallowed them down with water before making a mug of coffee. A text popped up on my phone. It was Briya.

Wanna go get pedis with me after work?

You need to look good for your date!

They'd seen Shawn in the lobby so the girls knew we weren't quite so done after all. I told them we were having dinner, and they both kept hounding me about it. I sent a reply.

Thanks but no.

Got my period.

No point in going all out.

Bri sent a long string of crying emojis.

The day dragged on and once I was done working, I took a prescription muscle relaxant, made myself some chicken strips and a salad, and crawled into bed right as my meds kicked in. I completely missed several texts from Shawn asking what I wanted for dinner the next day. When I woke up, I messaged back that pizza sounded good, because it was one of my favorite comfort foods and I desperately needed some comfort.

All of Wednesday was spent in bed with my laptop balanced on my knees and Inky snuggled next to me. At five o'clock I loaded up on Advil and took a long hot shower, hoping it might help. I was torn about what to wear. I'd been super casual last time, but this was more of a date, so I felt pressure to look better. The thought of jeans made my uterus scream in pain, so I selected some black ribbed leggings and a tunic-length v-neck shirt in my favorite shade of green. I checked my ass in the mirror to make sure my top hid the bulge from my pad, since I was having one of those days where a tampon just wasn't enough.

"Hey party girl," Shawn teased when he opened the door.

He was being flirty, so I considered leading with the fact that I was suffering from the throes of menstruation, but some guys were so squeamish about that.

"Hi!" I said as cheerfully as I could. "I brought some red wine since it pairs well with pizza. And it's not even in a box!"

He took the bottle. "Very nice. I love Cabernet, but I can't drink tonight since I'm performing tomorrow. Come on in and I'll open it for you and then we can order some pizza."

"You can save it for another night, since I don't like to drink alone," I told him.

We both sat down on the stools at the kitchen island and he opened his phone. His lock screen was a picture of the crowd from one of his concerts, which wasn't surprising. He told me during one of our talks that being on stage and seeing all his fans was a better high than any substance ever gave him.

"I'm very excited to see you live tomorrow!"

"My Toronto shows are my favorites, so I'm excited, too. I look forward to hearing what you think. I have your passes, by the way." He then handed them to me.

I took the lanyards and put them in my purse. "Thanks!"

"We've got plenty of pizza options," he said, "but your uncle is in the business, right?"

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