Tis the season

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Tears fell down my cheeks, and I brushed them away. Every Christmas sucked at home. Mom made life at home miserable, but I made sure Ro had a good Christmas or holiday.

I stood, picked up my bag, and carried it out of the room. I came downstairs to see Casper and his family decorating the tree. Casper noticed me, and his smile disappeared. His family stopped and looked at me.

I stepped off the bottom step and walked towards his dads. "Rowan is coming to get me."

His dads glanced at each other with confusion.

Oliver set an ornament down and stepped towards me. "Why?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

A few minutes later, someone knocked on the front door. Conner answered the door, and Ro and Pat entered the house. Ro saw me and rushed towards me. She wrapped around me. I dropped my bag, gripped her, and cried.

"Okay, we have someone scowling," Oliver looked at Casper, "and someone crying." Oliver gestured at me. "What happened?"

"Hayes was breaking up with me, so I beat him to the punch," Casper said.


"Yeah, he wanted to talk to me about something important. So I beat him to the punch."

Oliver glanced between Casper and me. "Uh, huh."

"I told him that he could stay because I wasn't cruel." Casper shrugged.

"Son, you were so wrong on so many levels with that statement."

Casper arched his brow.

Oliver shook his head and walked towards me. He coaxed me from Ro's arms and led me into the kitchen. "Let's talk."

I nodded and wiped my cheeks with my palms. We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"I think there was a misunderstanding between you and my son."

I looked at Oliver with tear-streaked cheeks.

"Casper has abandonment issues because of what happened when he was an infant. When he admitted his sexuality, guys haven't been truthful with him. So, he jumps before hearing someone out. And from the looks of it, you have your issues. Tell me that I'm wrong."

I averted my eyes to the table and ran my thumb across the tabletop.

"What did you want to talk to Casper about?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "I was going to tell Casper that I loved him."

"What?" A voice asked.

I lifted my head and looked at Casper standing in the doorway with wide eyes.

Oliver glanced at us. "It's time that you both talk. I need to make sure Jordin isn't driving Conner nuts with the tree." Oliver got up and left the kitchen.

Casper took Oliver's place at the table. "What do you mean?"

"I've been trying to tell you, but with everything that happened, the timing was off. I don't have money to buy you a gift, so I figured it would be your Christmas gift." My eyes shifted from the table to Casper's face and back.

Casper's silence was deafening. I blew air past my lips, stood, and started for the living room. I wanted to leave because the awkwardness was unbearable.

Someone caught my wrist. I turned my head as Casper pulled me to him and crashed his lips into mine. He released my wrists and moved his hands to the back of my head. I placed my hands on his back and kissed him back. We poured everything into that kiss, then broke from it and looked into each other's eyes.

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