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Since we needed to entrap the good cougar, I handled Pat's emails with her. I kept Pat in the loop if the barracuda mentioned something, and Pat didn't know. That was the first step.

Next, I enlisted Casper and Liam to help us. What were their roles? Well, they enjoy rigging traps, which include surveillance video. Now, to avoid jail time, I contacted our neighborhood-friendly attorney, who we call Grayson. He explained the legalities of illegal wiretapping and surveillance video. We learned this valuable information with President Nixon. It wasn't one of his stellar moves as our Commander-in-chief, but I digress.

Let me explain. If you are standing on a public property, which means you can film videos or take pictures. The courts can use it as evidence when it hits social media. How do you think attorneys find out information about people and use it in court? People believe the first amendment protects them on social media. It doesn't. It covers the company since it's privately owned. Hence, why owners of social media can censor you. I'm getting sidetracked.

Friday arrived, and we headed to the cougar's home address. The cougar helped us when she supplied her address to Pat. Can you spell dumb, boys and girls?

Rafe and I had Casper and Liam stand across the sidewalk and get their phones ready. We stood at the front door, knocked, and waited. A few minutes later, the barracuda answered her door dressed in a scantly clad outfit. Her eyes widened. Rafe and I glanced at each other.

"I'm not sure, but I don't consider that proper attire when meeting with your teaching assistant," Rafe said.

"And most professors use their offices at school to meet with their teacher's assistant, not their private residence," I said.

"Who are you?" The professor asked us.

"Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Romeo Harper, and this is my brother Raphael Harper." I gestured between Rafe and myself.

Rafe waved at the professor. We parted ways.

I pointed at Casper and Liam. "That's our cousins, Casper and Liam Harper. Their family owns Saintwood College."

Casper and Liam waved from across the street.

I turned to face the professor. "Our cousins are standing on a public sidewalk videotaping us because we're not complete idiots and need proof of your deception."

"Speak for yourself," Rafe told me.

I rolled my eyes. "Not now, Raphael. We're on a mission."

The barracuda tried to slam the door in our faces. Rafe stuck his boot in the opening and stopped her from shutting it.

"Listen, Barracuda. We came to talk to you about seducing our brother. You remember him. Dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and deaf," Rafe said.

"Remove your foot before I call the cops!" The barracuda screeched.

I stuck my finger in my ear and wiggled it. Holy shit! Her voice pierced my brain.

"Wow. How do you seduce a guy with your voice? You sound like a wild pig when hyenas attack it." I did a high pitched-squeal.

The cougar's jaw clenched, and lips pursed.

"Do you mind if we come in and discuss the matter?" I asked.

The cougar crossed her arms. "Yes."

"Well, aren't you obliging?" I asked.

Rafe and I pushed past her and entered her home.

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